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vStreamex [Vehicle Streamer] - CoaPsyFactor - 19.07.2013

vStreamEx v0.2

ChangeLog v0.2:
  • Streaming vehicle on last stream-out position NEW

vStreamEx is vehicle streamer, it is still in development stage, but here is something you can try.
Currently there no much do to with this, only to add vehicle.

What does it do?

Well, it is simple, map is split to 12 by 12 zones, when ever player change zone, script checks for vehicles in that zone, and if vehicle is not created it creates it. But when there are no players streamed in for certain vehicle it deletes.

Limit it 2000 vehicles by 1 zone.

Functions to use:
AddVehicle // adds vehicle to server

How to use it:
- Just include it in your gamemode (MUST BE GAMEMODE), and with function AddVehicle insert vehicles.

-I haven't found any, but there could be some, it has not been tested with more than 5 players.

- Me
- ****** (y_hooks)

This is not for every day use, it is still in Alpha stage

To test how does it work go on this serve, Password is: developer

AW: vStreamex - NaS - 19.07.2013

Well, you should always check for 9 Zones. If I'm in Zone 1, but my vehicle is in Zone 2 (within a seeable range) I couldn't see it.
Did I get it right?

Re: vStreamex - CoaPsyFactor - 19.07.2013

You didn't got it right. You should not worry about zones. It is multi-dimensional array with [zone_1][zone_2].

So if you add vehicle on coords with X < -2500 and Y < -2500 it will be Zone_1 = 0 and Zone_2 = 0
If X is >= - 2500 and < -2000 then Zone_1 will be 1.

AW: vStreamex - NaS - 19.07.2013

Thats not the point. I know how it works, basic streaming mechanism.

My question was if the vehicle gets streamed if I am in a different zone than the vehicle, but close to it (so basically at the borders of the zones).

Re: vStreamex - CoaPsyFactor - 19.07.2013

Well yes, that is true, if you are right in front of vehicle, but in another zone, if you haven't cross through zone where vehicle that is in front of you is positioned - It wouldn't be streamed. But if any other player is in that zone, vehicle will be created and streamed for all players.

Re: vStreamex - Vampr - 20.07.2013

Is there a way to get the vehicles to load with mods previously made?

Thanks for the rep a**hole

Re: vStreamex - CoaPsyFactor - 23.07.2013

Its not, function name is AddVehicle, so you'll need to change all functions to addvehicle

Re: vStreamex [Vehicle Streamer] - XXJacksug8X - 16.07.2014

Originally Posted by CoaPsyFactor
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Limit it 2000 vehicles by 1 zone.
I haven't found any, but there could be some, it has not been tested with more than 5 players.
there are 2000 vehicles in zone 1 and player 1 is in zone 1
result: all other players on all other zones won't see any vehicle LOL

Re: vStreamex - CoaPsyFactor - 18.07.2014

No, result is correct, look at the code and think again

Re: vStreamex - Pottus - 18.07.2014

I really don't see the point of this 2000 vehicles is more than enough for any server.

Re: vStreamex - CoaPsyFactor - 20.07.2014

Well, If you don't see point, then you should leave this topic with my new gm, I really do see point.