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Server crashing due player ID 0 - Printable Version

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Server crashing due player ID 0 - Ziyan - 19.07.2013

I have a strange problem. Whenever ID 0 enters server, all players crash, well, most of them. And if there is no ID 0 on server, everything works perfect, no crashes, no lag, anything.

Re: Server crashing due player ID 0 - Alex Valdez - 19.07.2013

That's really strange, have you updated all of the plugins and have you tested the server on your own PC?

Re: Server crashing due player ID 0 - Wizza - 19.07.2013

Its either something in you're script or in you're plugins.

Re: Server crashing due player ID 0 - Nirzor - 19.07.2013

Download the latest Sscanf plugin + include and compile your and I think that might fix your ID 0 bug and if doesn't

Please post a code if you can or just find it.

Re: Server crashing due player ID 0 - Ziyan - 04.08.2013

Solved, thanks anyway.

Re: Server crashing due player ID 0 - RedJohn - 04.08.2013

You should always tell us your solution because there is someone who has the same problem.