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Design Help! - Printable Version

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Design Help! - Nirzor - 13.07.2013

I am in need of someone who can help me.I want someone who can make like in my signature there will be a box

and inside it letters will change one after another that kind of person who can maybe photshop well or do the

letter changing stuffs.Please if you can contact me in skype.


Re: Design Help! - TheChimpJr - 13.07.2013

I see you want someone to help you photoshop, however it's really easy if you learn yourself + in future needs you can just do it yourself easy and fast. There are couple of tutorials how to make them, If you like I can provide you the links.

Re: Design Help! - Nirzor - 13.07.2013

Okay thanks and I will also look over the tutorials but for now I am in need of someone.