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Toy edit to the new one help - Printable Version

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Toy edit to the new one help - Necip - 10.07.2013

Hello, I have the old toy editing system but I want to make it to the new one, I can't...Here are some codes:
pawn Код:
stock ShowEditMenu(playerid)
    if(IsPlayerAttachedObjectSlotUsed(playerid, slotselection[playerid]))
        RemovePlayerAttachedObject(playerid, slotselection[playerid]);
    SetPlayerAttachedObject(playerid, slotselection[playerid], PlayerToyInfo[playerid][slotselection[playerid]][ptModelID],
    PlayerToyInfo[playerid][slotselection[playerid]][ptBone], PlayerToyInfo[playerid][slotselection[playerid]][ptPosX],
    PlayerToyInfo[playerid][slotselection[playerid]][ptPosY], PlayerToyInfo[playerid][slotselection[playerid]][ptPosZ],
    PlayerToyInfo[playerid][slotselection[playerid]][ptRotX], PlayerToyInfo[playerid][slotselection[playerid]][ptRotY],
    PlayerToyInfo[playerid][slotselection[playerid]][ptRotZ], PlayerToyInfo[playerid][slotselection[playerid]][ptScaleX],
    PlayerToyInfo[playerid][slotselection[playerid]][ptScaleY], PlayerToyInfo[playerid][slotselection[playerid]][ptScaleZ]);

    new stringg[512];
    format(stringg, sizeof(stringg), "%sBone (%s)\n", stringg, HoldingBones[PlayerToyInfo[playerid][slotselection[playerid]][ptBone]]);
    format(stringg, sizeof(stringg), "%sOffset X (%f)\n", stringg,(PlayerToyInfo[playerid][slotselection[playerid]][ptPosX]*100));
    format(stringg, sizeof(stringg), "%sOffset Y (%f)\n", stringg,(PlayerToyInfo[playerid][slotselection[playerid]][ptPosY]*100));
    format(stringg, sizeof(stringg), "%sOffset Z (%f)\n", stringg,(PlayerToyInfo[playerid][slotselection[playerid]][ptPosZ]*100));
    format(stringg, sizeof(stringg), "%sRotation X (%f)\n", stringg, PlayerToyInfo[playerid][slotselection[playerid]][ptRotX]);
    format(stringg, sizeof(stringg), "%sRotation Y (%f)\n", stringg, PlayerToyInfo[playerid][slotselection[playerid]][ptRotY]);
    format(stringg, sizeof(stringg), "%sRotation Z (%f)\n" ,stringg, PlayerToyInfo[playerid][slotselection[playerid]][ptRotZ]);
    format(stringg, sizeof(stringg), "%sScale X (%f)\n", stringg, PlayerToyInfo[playerid][slotselection[playerid]][ptScaleX]);
    format(stringg, sizeof(stringg), "%sScale Y (%f)\n", stringg, PlayerToyInfo[playerid][slotselection[playerid]][ptScaleY]);
    format(stringg, sizeof(stringg), "%sScale Z (%f)" ,stringg, PlayerToyInfo[playerid][slotselection[playerid]][ptScaleZ]);
    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, EDITTOYS2, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Toy Menu: Edit", stringg, "Select", "Cancel");
Edit toys dialog:
pawn Код:
if((dialogid == EDITTOYS) && response)
        if(PlayerToyInfo[playerid][listitem][ptModelID] == 0)
            ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 0, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Toy Menu: Edit", "Woops! You don't have anything on that slot", "OK", "");
            SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "{AA3333}HINT:{FFFF00} Position your camera differently to better see where your editing.");
            slotselection[playerid] = listitem;
    if((dialogid == EDITTOYS2))
            if(listitem == 0)
                ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, EDITTOYSBONE, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Select a Bone", "Spine\nHead\nLeft upper arm\nRight upper arm\nLeft hand\nRight hand\nLeft thigh\nRight thigh\nLeft foot\nRight foot\nRight calf\nLeft calf\nLeft forearm\nRight forearm\nLeft clavicle\nRight clavicle\nNeck\nJaw", "Select", "Cancel");
            else if(listitem == 1)
                ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, EDITTOYSPX, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Toy Menu: Edit", "Input an X Offset from -100 to 100 (Ex: 55, or 33.4)", "Enter", "Cancel");
            else if(listitem == 2)
                ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, EDITTOYSPY, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Toy Menu: Edit", "Input an Y Offset from -100 to 100 (Ex: 55, or 33.4)", "Enter", "Cancel");
            else if(listitem == 3)
                ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, EDITTOYSPZ, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Toy Menu: Edit", "Input an Z Offset from -100 to 100 (Ex: 55, or 33.4)", "Enter", "Cancel");
            else if(listitem == 4)
                ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, EDITTOYSRX, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Toy Menu: Edit", "Input an X Rotation from 0 to 360 (Ex: 90, or 270.4)", "Enter", "Cancel");
            else if(listitem == 5)
                ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, EDITTOYSRY, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Toy Menu: Edit", "Input an Y Rotation from 0 to 360 (Ex: 90, or 270.4)", "Enter", "Cancel");
            else if(listitem == 6)
                ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, EDITTOYSRZ, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Toy Menu: Edit", "Input an Z Rotation from 0 to 360 (Ex: 90, or 270.4)", "Enter", "Cancel");
            else if(listitem == 7)
                ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, EDITTOYSSX, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Toy Menu: Edit", "Input an X Scale from 1 to 1.5 (Ex: 90, or 270.4)", "Enter", "Cancel");
            else if(listitem == 8)
                ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, EDITTOYSSY, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Toy Menu: Edit", "Input an Y Scale from 1 to 1.5 (Ex: 1, or 1.4)", "Enter", "Cancel");
            else if(listitem == 9)
                ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, EDITTOYSSZ, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Toy Menu: Edit", "Input an Z Scale from 1 to 1.5 (Ex: 1, or 1.4)", "Enter", "Cancel");
            new stringg[512];
            for(new x;x<MAX_PLAYERTOYS;x++)
                new name[24];
                format(name, sizeof(name), "None");

                for(new i;i<sizeof(HoldingObjectsAll);i++)
                    if(HoldingObjectsAll[i][holdingmodelid] == PlayerToyInfo[playerid][x][ptModelID])
                        format(name, sizeof(name), "%s", HoldingObjectsAll[i][holdingmodelname]);

                format(stringg, sizeof(stringg), "%s(%d) %s (Bone: %s)\n", stringg, x, name, HoldingBones[PlayerToyInfo[playerid][x][ptBone]]);
            ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, EDITTOYS, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Select a Toy", stringg, "Select", "Cancel");
    if(dialogid == EDITTOYSPX)
            new Float:offset = floatstr(inputtext);
            if(offset < -100) offset = 0;
            else if(offset > 100) offset = 100;
            offset = offset/100;
            PlayerToyInfo[playerid][slotselection[playerid]][ptPosX] = offset;
    if(dialogid == EDITTOYSPY)
            new Float:offset = floatstr(inputtext);
            if(offset < -100) offset = 0;
            else if(offset > 100) offset = 100;
            offset = offset/100;
            PlayerToyInfo[playerid][slotselection[playerid]][ptPosY] = offset;
    if(dialogid == EDITTOYSPZ)
            new Float:offset = floatstr(inputtext);
            if(offset < -100) offset = 0;
            else if(offset > 100) offset = 100;
            offset = offset/100;
            PlayerToyInfo[playerid][slotselection[playerid]][ptPosZ] = offset;
    if(dialogid == EDITTOYSRX)
            new Float:offset = floatstr(inputtext);
            if(offset < -100) offset = 0;
            else if(offset > 360) offset = 360;
            PlayerToyInfo[playerid][slotselection[playerid]][ptRotX] = offset;
    if(dialogid == EDITTOYSRY)
            new Float:offset = floatstr(inputtext);
            if(offset < -100) offset = 0;
            else if(offset > 360) offset = 360;
            PlayerToyInfo[playerid][slotselection[playerid]][ptRotY] = offset;
    if(dialogid == EDITTOYSRZ)
            new Float:offset = floatstr(inputtext);
            if(offset < -100) offset = 0;
            else if(offset > 360) offset = 360;
            PlayerToyInfo[playerid][slotselection[playerid]][ptRotZ] = offset;
    if(dialogid == EDITTOYSSX)
            new Float:offset = floatstr(inputtext);
            if(offset < 1) offset = 1;
            else if(offset > 1.5) offset = 1.5;
            PlayerToyInfo[playerid][slotselection[playerid]][ptScaleX] = offset;
    }if(dialogid == EDITTOYSSY)
            new Float:offset = floatstr(inputtext);
            if(offset < 1) offset = 1;
            else if(offset > 1.5) offset = 1.5;
            PlayerToyInfo[playerid][slotselection[playerid]][ptScaleY] = offset;
    }if(dialogid == EDITTOYSSZ)
            new Float:offset = floatstr(inputtext);
            if(offset < 1) offset = 1;
            else if(offset > 1.5) offset = 1.5;
            PlayerToyInfo[playerid][slotselection[playerid]][ptScaleZ] = offset;
    if(dialogid == EDITTOYSBONE)
            PlayerToyInfo[playerid][slotselection[playerid]][ptBone] = listitem+1;
Please help me, I need this sooo much...I will give you +REP and all of my respect...

Re: Toy edit to the new one help - Hazko - 16.07.2013

i want to find the new system edit toys to maybe you have ??