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Russian Servers - Printable Version

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Russian Servers - Carlito - 10.07.2013

only russian servers with so many players but with weird letters, not cyrillic, i cant read it, whats up with samp? ^^

Re: Russian Servers - Tamer - 10.07.2013

SA-MP Attracts a bunch of Russian's,that's all. I don't see anything wrong with it.

Re: Russian Servers - Carlito - 10.07.2013

a bunch? sort by players and from the 1st 50servers are 45 russian ^^...

Re: Russian Servers - hub4 - 18.07.2013


AW: Russian Servers - [AK]Nazgul - 18.07.2013

Nothing against russians, but 90% of these servers are run by racist kids. I've been banned from one for being an 'english guy' wtf.

Re: Russian Servers - gtakillerIV - 18.07.2013

They only want Russians in the server. Not a problem really.