FairPlay - Keep the cheaters out -
SuperViper - 06.07.2013
FairPlay will help you get rid of the cheaters on your server. I designed it to be easy to use while still being very effective. While it may not detect everything to the fullest extent, it won't give you any false positives.
Required Libraries
To use FairPlay, you must be running
sscanf version 2 on your server. If you currently do not have
sscanf, you may download it here:
Staff Member Immunity
You might be wondering how to prevent your staff members from getting detected by FairPlay. Well it's simple. You can use the custom
SetPlayerFairPlayImmune function after stats are loaded to make a player immune to FairPlay detection.
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
SetPlayerFairPlayImmune(playerid, 1);
return 1;
Of course you will need to change the
playerStaffLevel variable in that example to fit your needs, but you get the point.
To add FairPlay to your script you must download
FairPlay.inc and place it in your
pawno => include folder. Once you have placed the file in the correct folder, you must add
to the top of your script.
If you are using this in a
gamemode, you must put
before including FairPlay.
After Including
After including FairPlay into your script, you will need to add the following callback somewhere in your script:
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerUnfairPlay(playerid, playType)
case FP_AFK:
case FP_CAR_RAM:
return 1;
Every time unfair play is detected, that callback will be called.
playerid is the player who is playing unfairly and
playType is what the player is doing that is unfair.
Possible playType Values
This is a list of all possible values that
playType can be along with a description of when it's called.
playType | Description |
FP_HIGH_PING | When the player has reached 3 warnings for having a ping above FP_MAX_PING |
FP_WEAPON_HACK | When the player fires a weapon that was not given to them from the script |
FP_VEHICLE_SPEED_HACK | When a vehicle passes it's speed limit |
FP_JETPACK_HACK | When the player has a jetpack which was not given to them from the script |
FP_DRIVER_DRIVEBY* | Preventing driver drivebys |
FP_DRIVEBY_WEAPONS_RESTRICT* | Restricting driveby weapons to the ones specified in FP_DRIVEBY_WEAPONS |
FP_SWEARING** | When a player says a word that is defined in FP_CurseWords either in a command or in the chat |
FP_FLY_HACK | When a player is flying |
FP_CHAT_SPAM | When a player spams the chat or commands in a short period of time |
FP_AFK | When a player hasn't said anything in the chat, used a command, or moved in 5 minutes |
FP_TABBING | When a player is tabbed out of the game |
FP_NINJA_JACK | When a player jacks a vehicle from another player in a certain way which results in the original driver dying |
FP_CAR_RAM | When a player rams another player with a vehicle |
FP_HELIBLADE | When a player kills another player using the blades of his helicopter |
FP_VEHICLE_MOD_HACK | When a player modifies their vehicle outside of a tuning garage |
FP_SERVER_AD*** | When a player says a server's IP or domain in chat or a command and the IP and/or domain don't correspond to FP_SERVER_IP and FP_SERVER_DOMAIN |
FP_FAKE_KILL | When a player uses a cheat to fake a kill by another player |
FP_TELEPORT_HACK | When a player teleports to a far away location |
* = Will not be called in
** = Curse words are automatically converted to * characters
*** = Messages with server advertisements will not be sent
Avoiding Filterscript Conflicts
In order to avoid conflicts with other filterscripts forcing FairPlay to give off false positives, you must include this in all loaded filterscripts.
If you would like to disable detection for anything, you may comment out the line of where the
playType is defined.
For example, if you would like to disable checking tabbed players, you would comment out the following line:
There are also some settings that you can change under all of the unfair play definitions.
FP_TIMER_INTERVAL: This is the interval at which the per-player timer will repeat itself. It is recommended that you do not change this unless you know what you are doing.
FP_MAX_PING: This is the maximum amount of ping a user may have before a ping warning is given to them.
FP_DRIVEBY_WEAPONS: These are the weapons (separated with a space) with which a user can driveby with.
FP_SERVER_IP: This is your server IP.
FP_SERVER_DOMAIN: This is your server domain.
FP_CurseWords: This is a list of words (separated by a comma) which are censored and reported as swearing when said.
Issues and Suggestions
If you happen to find an issue with FairPlay or would like to suggest a new feature or to change an existing feature, please reply to this thread with your request and I will get to it shortly.
Version 1.2: Pastebin - Mediafire - Puush
Version 1.1: Pastebin - Mediafire - Puush
Version 1.0: Pastebin - Mediafire - Puush
Originally Posted by SuperViper
Version 1.2 (critical update) has been released:
- Added another method to fake kill detection
- Resolved a critical issue with vehicle speed hack detection in airplanes
- Resolved a minor issue in which a player surfing a vehicle may get detected as teleporting in a rare case
Originally Posted by SuperViper
Version 1.1 has been released:
- Messages that contain server advertisements are now automatically not sent
- Fake kill now ignores NPCs
- Master/slave functionalityGamemodes must have
before including FairPlay
Scripting: SuperViper/Ricky Phelps
Testing: Chriham3/Alex Shock
Re: FairPlay - Keep the cheaters out -
Chriham3 - 06.07.2013
Another great release from SuperViper!
Re: FairPlay - Keep the cheaters out -
Josh Slice - 06.07.2013
Good script, works really well. I haven't been able to break it yet.
Re: FairPlay - Keep the cheaters out -
Stylock - 07.07.2013
Nice script, but I don't see any big improvement from your old anti-cheat (svCheat). It's just a slightly edited version of it. I don't think it's false positive proof mainly because it doesn't take into account the lag between server and client. You should read "Anti cheat tips" topic and also "Understanding SA-MP sync".
Also, it doesn't have master/slave type of functionality (or whatever, I don't know how to call it). If you include this to your gamemode and 9 other filterscripts, it will be doing the same checks 10 times, for example, hit the fire key, each filterscript will check your weapon etc. Anyway, I'll check back later and good luck improving it!
Re: FairPlay - Keep the cheaters out -
Pottus - 07.07.2013
I really don't like that is full of PVars makes absolutely no sense to be using them for this.
Re: FairPlay - Keep the cheaters out -
SuperViper - 07.07.2013
Originally Posted by Stylock
Nice script, but I don't see any big improvement from your old anti-cheat (svCheat). It's just a slightly edited version of it. I don't think it's false positive proof mainly because it doesn't take into account the lag between server and client. You should read "Anti cheat tips" topic and also "Understanding SA-MP sync".
Also, it doesn't have master/slave type of functionality (or whatever, I don't know how to call it). If you include this to your gamemode and 9 other filterscripts, it will be doing the same checks 10 times, for example, hit the fire key, each filterscript will check your weapon etc. Anyway, I'll check back later and good luck improving it!
svCheats was quite buggy and the coding style was very messy. The lag between the server and client may cause a false positive from time to time but the code itself when executed properly won't give off false positives. I already read both of those topics. As for the master/slave functionality, I made sure the main timer didn't get duplicated and I'm still working on figuring out a way to do the rest.
Originally Posted by [uL]Pottus
I really don't like that is full of PVars makes absolutely no sense to be using them for this.
I used PVars so that filterscripts don't give off false positives.
Re: FairPlay - Keep the cheaters out -
Pottus - 07.07.2013
I think I see what you mean.....
pawn Код:
if(!GetPVarType(playerid, "FP_PlayerDetectionTimer"))
SetPVarInt(playerid, "FP_PlayerDetectionTimer", SetTimerEx("FP_Detection", FP_TIMER_INTERVAL, true, "d", playerid));
So now only one timer can run makes sense.
But again I still don't like the use of PVars you don't need them, at all when you can make a simplistic include that uses CallRemoteFunction() to make calls to the gamemode for filterscripts. Yes CallRemoteFunction() is slower than PVars but overall the trade off will favor using normal variables hands down when you take into account the bottleneck they cause littered all over the include.
I also don't see the need of setting a timer every time a player connects when one timer with a foreach() loop would make a lot more sense and save a small handful of calls.
One more thing for me if I decided to use this is I don't use OnPlayerDeath() at all so I'd have to make some modifications
but that would be fine with me.
Re: FairPlay - Keep the cheaters out -
SuperViper - 07.07.2013
The difference in PVars and remote functions is minimal and both sides have their own benefits. It's unnecessary to change it. The advantage with several small timers rather than one large timer is so the server doesn't hang a lot at once but it hangs for a little in small intervals so that other things can be executed between the timers. I read a topic by
****** which said this was a better way of going about it.
I have an older version of the include before I converted it to PVars. If you don't use any filterscripts that use the hooked functions and callbacks, I highly recommend using it.
Re: FairPlay - Keep the cheaters out -
Pottus - 07.07.2013
Thanks i'll give it a shot, It looks promising and I'll even re-post my changes/updates it might give you some ideas.
@Edit - Only reason to change it is for assholes like me who would never think of using a PVar ever
Re: FairPlay - Keep the cheaters out -
Donvalley - 07.07.2013
nice work