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Mining - Zex Tan - 05.07.2013

Is there any short way to shorten the lines.

pawn Код:
    if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, range, x, y,z) || IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, range, x,y,z))
    return 1;
Something like that, but I don't want to create more "IsPlayerInRageOfPoint" and more. As it makes lines longer.
Since that there's lots of objects to mine.

Any short ways ?

Re: Mining - Pottus - 05.07.2013

You can use dynamic areas instead.

Re: Mining - Black Wolf - 05.07.2013

Use loop.

Re: Mining - Nick_Phelps - 05.07.2013

Well... you would essentially have to keep expanding

pawn Код:
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, range, x, y,z) || IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, range, x,y,z) || IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, range, x,y,z) || IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, range, x,y,z) || IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, range, x,y,z) || IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, range, x,y,z))
or as Pottus said, dynamic points.

Re: Mining - [HiC]TheKiller - 05.07.2013

pawn Код:
//top of your script
new Float:mines[][] =
    {1649.7455, -2147.9253, 6.9209}, // Mine1 (format x, y, z).
    {1549.7715, -2677.9262, 15.9550}, // Mine2
    {844.5756, -1667.2555, 2.7684} // Last mine

    for(new i; i < sizeof(mines); i++)
        if(!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, range, mines[i][0], mines[i][1], mines[i][2])) continue;
        //The player is in range of a mine.
    return 1;

Re: Mining - exclide1 - 05.07.2013

You can create an array:
enum eMine {

new Mining[][eMine] =
And then:
for(new x; x != sizeof(Mining); x++)
	if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, Mining[x][range], Mining[x][x],Mining[x][y],Mining[x][z])
		//do smthing