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[FilterScript] ST's Paintball System [BASIC] - Printable Version

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ST's Paintball System [BASIC] - Goldilox - 03.07.2013


It's another basic starter release of paintball system. ST's Paintball System is good for new scripters who want to make a Freeroam or Role-Play scripts. It effectively prevents the player from paintball abuse to provide you quality of play time. The code is compacted enough that it'll also go in your gamemode (if you don't like having FS). It requires two external includes that enhances the features of the paintball. The Paintball is located in Las Ventures but you can edit it however you like. You get a Sawnoff Shotgun when you enter the paintball arena and is immediately taken away when you exit. The arena doesn't have any way out (unless you use hacks), instead of exiting with the command /paintball, that helps prevent paintball weapon abuse. The script has a timer for entering and exiting the arena that resist from falling bug which occurs sometimes on position changing. To goto the paintball location, type /gotopaintball.


I've taken few pictures while working on the the script.


Zeex - ZCMD Command Processor.
Incognito - Streamer Plugin
Goldilox - Scripter of paintball system.


PWN File
