Hey I'm just trying to make a object material should write on him PFG-RP VIP Lounge And thats not show nothing.
Here's the full code who can help me ? I so need it . Ty. And yes I put it under OnGameModInIt.
new viploungh = CreateDynamicObject(3337, 1803.69, -1593.83, 12.44, 0.00, 0.00, -50.00);
SetObjectMaterialText(viploungh, "VIP Lounge PFG-RP 2013",1, 50, "Arial", 24, 0, -256, 0, 1);
SetObjectMaterial(viploungh,0, 16000, "con_drivein", "drvin_screen", 0x4A270000);
SetObjectMaterial(viploungh,2, 16000, "con_drivein", "drvin_screen", 0x4A270000);
SetObjectMaterial(viploungh,3, 16000, "con_drivein", "drvin_screen", 0x4A270000);
The color parameter is causing you problems I think remember it is ARBG and you have the alpha set really low.