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if joined == 1 Event is canceled - Printable Version

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if joined == 1 Event is canceled - LyNeR - 01.07.2013

Hello. i make a new fs but I have a problem. I want the event to be canceled only 1 person joined. but I couldn't already. understand my problem now;

OnPlayerUpdate public;
if(EventAttend == 1 && EventStarted == 1 && GetPVarInt(playerid,"PlayerinEvent") == 1)
new string[256];
new name[30];
format(string,sizeof(string),"%s won the event prcie: $5.000",name);
 EventStarted= 0;
EventAttend = 0;
EventisFinished = 0;
Please help i want is player joined the event but the event joined user = 1 the event is automatic finished. Sorry my bad english.

Re: if joined == 1 Event is canceled - nike96 - 01.07.2013

Your variable is one for all player. Make variable: "new EventAttend[MAX_PLAYERS], EventStarted[MAX_PLAYERS];"
And you try this "if(EventAttend[playerid] == 1 && EventStarted[playerid] == 1 && GetPVarInt(playerid,"PlayerinEvent") == 1)"

Re: if joined == 1 Event is canceled - LyNeR - 01.07.2013

Originally Posted by nike96
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Your variable is one for all player. Make variable: "new EventAttend[MAX_PLAYERS], EventStarted[MAX_PLAYERS];"
And you try this "if(EventAttend[playerid] == 1 && EventStarted[playerid] == 1 && GetPVarInt(playerid,"PlayerinEvent") == 1)"
Thank you. I try it