Vehicles spawn - Printable Version
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Vehicles spawn -
KimSangBum - 30.06.2013
Hello can anybuddy give me a code for make cars spawn auto each 5 or 10 minutes
Re: Vehicles spawn -
Jstylezzz - 30.06.2013
Can you be a little more detailed? I'm not going to write the whole code for you, though, but I'll give you advice, and some links, based on the things you exactly want.
Re: Vehicles spawn -
Goldilox - 30.06.2013
Wil that work?
AddStaticVehicleEx(modelid , x , y , z , angle , color1 , color2 , respawn_delay);
Re: Vehicles spawn -
park4bmx - 30.06.2013
pawn Код:
SetTimer("RespawnVeh", 300000, false);
forward RespawnVeh();
public RespawnVeh(){
for(new v=0; v < MAX_VEHICLES; v++)
Will respawn
all vehicles on the server
Re: Vehicles spawn -
Goldilox - 01.07.2013
SetTimer("RespawnVeh", 300000,
Isn't that gonna be true, because he wants it re spawn every 300000 milliseconds.
Re: Vehicles spawn -
park4bmx - 01.07.2013
yes my bad.