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Anti cheat system, help. - Printable Version

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Anti cheat system, help. - Feiken - 30.06.2013

Finding the anti-cheat systems, which have not found really good.
Is there an anti cheat that does not allow to login, if there are cheats for gta

I am a newbie here, sorry for my bad English.

Re: Anti cheat system, help. - Twizted - 30.06.2013

I don't think it's possible. Anti-cheat systems often use functions such as GetPlayerHealth - you can only GetPlayerHealth once he spawns. Same for weapons and for other stuff. It's not possible, as far as I know.

Re: Anti cheat system, help. - Feiken - 30.06.2013

I installed anti cheats available here, but there are cheat that is capable of a lot more like throwing masinas