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Game suddenly started to lag this morning. Around a 80 FPS Drop... - Printable Version

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Game suddenly started to lag this morning. Around a 80 FPS Drop... - JaydenWall - 27.06.2013

So, I wake up and attempt to hop onto SA-MP. I load in and notice that my FPS is VERY low. I open up FRAPs to find out that I have a total of four FPS... I try a few other servers, same thing.
Here is what I have done so far:
- Restart my computer.
- Reinstall GTA SA.
- Ran a virus scan.
- Updated graphics card, it was the same update as I had before.
- Cleaned junk
- Defrag'd the laptop.
- All I can really think of right now.

Core I7
Nvidia GeForce GT 630m 2BG
930GB Of memory
Intel® Core™ i7-3630QM CPU @ 2.40GHz
8.00 GB of RAM

My processor isn't to strong, but it runs Arma 2/3, and GTA SA just fine. Not sure what's wrong, this suddenly just happend...

ANY help would be appreciated, thank you.

Also, I only set my laptop back to factory settings like a week ago, so not sure what would cause this as I have like nothing downloaded.

Re: Game suddenly started to lag this morning. Around a 80 FPS Drop... - Scenario - 27.06.2013

You need to monitor your RAM and CPU usage. Then open up GTA while the monitor software is running. The fact that you're getting 4 FPS could mean a lack of CPU or RAM space available.

Re: Game suddenly started to lag this morning. Around a 80 FPS Drop... - RayW - 27.06.2013

Originally Posted by RealCop228
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You need to monitor your RAM and CPU usage. Then open up GTA while the monitor software is running. The fact that you're getting 4 FPS could mean a lack of CPU or RAM space available.
I think the CPU and RAM is likely fine.

@ OP: can you check the temperatures of your GFX card? Clock speeds may get throttled if it is overheating.

Re: Game suddenly started to lag this morning. Around a 80 FPS Drop... - JaydenWall - 27.06.2013

Originally Posted by RayW
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I think the CPU and RAM is likely fine.

@ OP: can you check the temperatures of your GFX card? Clock speeds may get throttled if it is overheating.
I'll check my CPU & RAM percentage.
The fact that it's on my laptop is hard to check, from my understanding - I don't think their is a way I can with a laptop.

EDIT: I found this if this tells you anything, it ranges from that to 64.

Re: Game suddenly started to lag this morning. Around a 80 FPS Drop... - JaydenWall - 27.06.2013

Hmmm, seems I've fixed it somehow. I went in game (Fresh install) and turned anything off really, I turned view distance up all the way and my FPS limiter was on -.-, but it seems to raise it up around 70-90. Good enough for me, thanks though.

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