Dynamic 3d text label error - Printable Version
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Dynamic 3d text label error -
IceMeteor - 24.06.2013
I have a server with many 3d text label, for mask, the doors, houses, etc. I'm using streamer, but sometime the label is not proper, for example, in a house, it shows mask label (For player name and HP/armor). and for doors, it shows the mask label. How to fix this?
Re: Dynamic 3d text label error -
dEcooR - 24.06.2013
so your labels are mixing or your code is bad.. show yoour code here?
Re: Dynamic 3d text label error -
IceMeteor - 24.06.2013
which code? so many here ...
Re: Dynamic 3d text label error -
dEcooR - 24.06.2013
maybe are mixing interiors then the problem
Re: Dynamic 3d text label error -
IceMeteor - 09.08.2013
mixing interiors? what do u mean?