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Spawning vehicles in interiors (such as 8-track) - Printable Version

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Spawning vehicles in interiors (such as 8-track) - cowmilker69 - 23.06.2013

Ya hi ok so im asking how would you make a script that spawns a car in an interior world? For example, how to spawn a hotring racer in the 8-track stadium in los santos. In grand larceny btw. Please and thanks

Re: Spawning vehicles in interiors (such as 8-track) - HaiderABbas - 23.06.2013


With this u cannot see World 1 car in world 2 , in which world u spawn a car u must be in that world to see that car

Re: Spawning vehicles in interiors (such as 8-track) - Scenario - 23.06.2013

Hah! IstuntmanI, I beat you.

Re: Spawning vehicles in interiors (such as 8-track) - IstuntmanI - 23.06.2013

EDIT: Lol RealCop. ;P

Re: Spawning vehicles in interiors (such as 8-track) - cowmilker69 - 23.06.2013

ya this is great help thanks guys but when im adding the static vehicle i dont know what x, y, and z coordinates to put

Re: Spawning vehicles in interiors (such as 8-track) - Scenario - 23.06.2013

Go into the interior that you want, get into the vehicle that you want, and type /save. It will print those coordinates in a file called "rawvehicles.txt" inside of the SAMP folder in your documents IIRC. I haven't used static vehicle spawns in a LONG time.

Re: Spawning vehicles in interiors (such as 8-track) - cowmilker69 - 23.06.2013

see thats the problem i cant get into the vehicle while im in an interior because there are no vehicles, thats what im trying to add

Re: Spawning vehicles in interiors (such as 8-track) - Vince - 23.06.2013

IIRC, the fsdebug filterscript that comes with the server is able to spawn cars in interiors.