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[Map] <<< Neon MP5 DEATHMATCH >>> MAP + FILTERSCRIPT - Printable Version

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<<< Neon MP5 DEATHMATCH >>> MAP + FILTERSCRIPT - BpVanshVk - 20.06.2013

Hey Guys
Today, I'm going to present my new Deathmatch map in SA-MP Forums, NEON MP5 Deathmatch
It is located in the Ocean a little bit far from San Fierro
So, some info about the map..

Total Objects :- 308
Time taken :- about 45 mins 
Program Used :- SA-MP Map editor
Includes in Filterscript :- ZCMD and Incognito's Streamer
Ok, now some Images of the DM



↓↓ Download Links below ↓↓
Pastebin - Streamer Objects (CreateDynamicObject)
Pastebin - Simple Objects (CreateObject)
Mediafire - .Pwn file Streamer code + teleport
Solidfiles - .Pwn file with Streamer code + teleport

.:- CREDITS -:.
Vk (me) For mapping
Incognito For his Streamer
ZeeX For his Zcmd

Every comment and REP will be appreciated ;]
Please comment, rate and +REP if you want :]
If you have any doubts, questions or anything regarding this map, feel free to comment below. :]

Re: <<< Neon MP5 DEATHMATCH >>> MAP + FILTERSCRIPT - BlackHorse - 21.06.2013

Awesome it amazing in a sea

Re: <<< Neon MP5 DEATHMATCH >>> MAP + FILTERSCRIPT - Dopefull - 21.06.2013

Nice work Vansh!

Re: <<< Neon MP5 DEATHMATCH >>> MAP + FILTERSCRIPT - iHaze. - 21.06.2013

Looks great.

Re: <<< Neon MP5 DEATHMATCH >>> MAP + FILTERSCRIPT - BpVanshVk - 22.06.2013

Thanks all of you.