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[Map] Fort Carson Pizza Stack and Hospital Exterior - Printable Version

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Fort Carson Pizza Stack and Hospital Exterior - Tuff - 20.06.2013

Hello Guys ..I See those who move their script (items..etc) from Los santos to fort carson or a Ready fort carson script whatever....And they need to move their Police Station,Hospital...etc...So I Decided to make Pizza stack and hospital exterior in fort you'll see now!!

Note:Every map with their codes

Frist I'll Start with Pizza Stack Screen Shots:
Click here!
Second Hospital:
Click Here!

Interseted Let's get to codes Frist pizza stack:
Click here!

Second Hospital:
Click Here!


Re: Fort Carson Pizza Stack and Hospital Exterior - Pottus - 20.06.2013

You posted in the wrong section, you want screenshots and videos.

Re: Fort Carson Pizza Stack and Hospital Exterior - Tuff - 20.06.2013

Its a release map check the codes!

Re: Fort Carson Pizza Stack and Hospital Exterior - iHaze. - 20.06.2013

Wrong section, This is not a release. You should've posted it in "Screenshots and Videos" section.

EDIT: Sorry, I didn't notice the codes link

Re: Fort Carson Pizza Stack and Hospital Exterior - Tuff - 20.06.2013

Thanks Anymore.

Re: Fort Carson Pizza Stack and Hospital Exterior - xxRichixx - 20.06.2013

Anyways,I like the pizza stack. Good!

Re: Fort Carson Pizza Stack and Hospital Exterior - Tuff - 20.06.2013

Thanks anymore..Guys I didn't even get one Rep....don't forget to rep+ me if you liked the map