4. If your server does not have a saving system don't even bother with this step. I'm not explaining, how to create on, but how to use one. Now if you want players to change teams constantly such as a protect the president or a team DM server then this step is not important. This Step is geared more toward RP servers. What ever save system you have, under register make a new saving component, and make it team, or faction or w/e. On the login command were you can see the stats loading up, add the team one you made above, and make it like this. pawn Code: gTeam[playerid] = /* Your Save file for team */ Under OnPlayerDisconnect, you can make the save updating command. I use a dini saving system so here is an example. Under OnPlayerDissconnect... pawn Code: dini_IntSet(file, team, gTeam[playerid]); That function will take the players gTeam variable and save it on the players file. Then load it back up when they log in. |
Password=----------------------------------------------------------- Ip= Registered=1 RegisteredDate=10/3/2013 Loggedin=0 Banned=0 Level=10 AccountType=3 LastOn=17.6.2013 Money=25062 Kills=0 Deaths=5 WantedLevel=0 Hours=3 Minutes=24 Seconds=37 NoQuestion=0 Question=---------------------------------- QuestionR=------------------------------------------- x1=1478 y1=-2444 z1=13 interior1=0 Weapon1=0 Weapon1Ammo=0 Weapon2=0 Weapon2Ammo=0 Weapon3=0 Weapon3Ammo=0 Weapon4=0 Weapon4Ammo=0 Weapon5=0 Weapon5Ammo=0 Weapon6=0 Weapon6Ammo=0 Health=100 Armour=0 TimesOnServer=22 gTeam=1