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Fine goes to 0 - Printable Version

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Fine goes to 0 - DerickClark - 11.06.2013

it's not changeing number's

i have a textdraw for Fine, just go to fine 0, i just wanna it go under and under.

	// Setup local variables
	new Name[24], Msg[128];

	// Check if the player hasn't been caught speeding recently
	if (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerCaughtSpeeding] == 0)
		// Loop through all speedcameras
		for (new CamID; CamID < MAX_CAMERAS; CamID++)
		    // Check if this camera has been created
		    if (ACameras[CamID][CamSpeed] != 0)
				// Check if the player is the driver of the vehicle
				if (GetPlayerVehicleSeat(playerid) == 0)
					// Check if the player's speed is greater than the speed allowed by this camera (no need to process a distance-check if not speeding)
					if (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerSpeed] > ACameras[CamID][CamSpeed])
						// Check if the player is near the camera
						if (IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 50.0, ACameras[CamID][CamX], ACameras[CamID][CamY], ACameras[CamID][CamZ]))
						    // Prevent the player being caught multiple times by the same speed-camera
						    APlayerData[playerid][PlayerCaughtSpeeding] = 20;
						    // Increase the wanted-level of this player by 1 star
						    SetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid, GetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid) + 1);
						    // Let the player know he's been caught speeding
						    new string[155];
                            SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, string);

							// Get the name of the player
							GetPlayerName(playerid, Name, sizeof(Name));
							// Also inform all police players that this player is caught speeding
							TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, FINE);
							format(Msg, 128, "%s is caught speeding, pursue and fine him", Name);
	else // If the player has been caught before, reduce the value until it's 0 again, then he can be caught again
public OnGameModeInit()
        FINE = TextDrawCreate(505.000000, 122.000000, "Fine:");
        new string[128];
        new cash;
        format(string,128,"Fine: $%d",cash);
        TextDrawSetString(FINE,string); //cash=200
	TextDrawBackgroundColor(FINE, 255);
	TextDrawFont(FINE, 2);
	TextDrawLetterSize(FINE, 0.300000, 1.200000);
	TextDrawColor(FINE, -1);
	TextDrawSetOutline(FINE, 1);
	TextDrawSetProportional(FINE, 1);
	return 1;

Re: Fine goes to 0 - DaTa[X] - 11.06.2013

Originally Posted by DerickClark
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i have a textdraw for Fine, just go to fine 0, i just wanna it go under and under.
use a timer and TextDrawSetString

Re: Fine goes to 0 - DerickClark - 11.06.2013

Can you make me one? And yes i already have it.The TextDrawSetString,i just need the timer?