Dynamic Biz system REP++ - Printable Version
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Dynamic Biz system REP++ -
ewida - 10.06.2013
Hello Guys,
I`m Looking for nice Dynamic business system for my RP server that mean can invite players + chat for biz + enter/exit biz + Lock/unlock biz + Ranks + at payday the player in biz reward cash Example R0 = 1000$ R2=10.000$....
Re: Dynamic Biz system REP++ -
Aly - 10.06.2013
So you're expecting that someone in here will make an entire bizz system just for rep?
Why don't you make one yourself?
Re: Dynamic Biz system REP++ -
OpticKiller - 10.06.2013
Use the Search button next time brother
Re: Dynamic Biz system REP++ -
ewida - 10.06.2013
Plesae Someone help me Cmon...