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Detect new Hacks objects? - Printable Version

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Detect new Hacks objects? - Kyra - 09.06.2013

Hi, i saw a new cheat "Godmode" for 0.3x but i don't know how detect this cheat, this cheat spawn a lot of "Sprunk machine" on the cheater and don't take the bullet and other... But just the cheater see this "Sprunk machine" other players dont see this. When other players shoot on this he looks natural shoot on this.

There are other versions of this cheats with more "Sprunk machines" and the cheater can shoot on the other players even with a Sprunk in front on him.

We can detect this cheat?

ps: Sorry for my english

Re: Detect new Hacks objects? - MP2 - 09.06.2013

You could use OnPlayerGiveDamage.

Re: Detect new Hacks objects? - Kyra - 09.06.2013

I have an Death Match server the players like Ping Shoot, you said "OnPlayerGiveDamage" for "NO LAG SHOOT"?

Re: Detect new Hacks objects? - Kyra - 10.06.2013

UP please

Re: Detect new Hacks objects? - Kyra - 12.06.2013

I try to use RemoveBuildingForPlayer in a timer with the pos of the suspected cheater but its an very bad idea, lot of bug with this.

Any ideas?

Re: Detect new Hacks objects? - dEcooR - 12.06.2013

I have same problem with godmode

Re : Detect new Hacks objects? - HitnKill - 12.06.2013

I try to detect this cheat with 'GetPlayerObjectPos' but we cant, I don't know how to detect me too

Re: Detect new Hacks objects? - feartonyb - 12.06.2013

Best thing is to make a timer every 1-2 seconds to destroy all player objects ( DestroyPlayerObject(playerid, pObject[playerid]); ) so it will remove the sprunks!

Re: Detect new Hacks objects? - Kyra - 13.06.2013

No can't work with this functions i think, this objects created with the cheat not with 'Functions at SAMP'

PHP Code:
for(new 0MAX_OBJECTSI++)
DestroyPlayerObject (playerid,I);
Don't work

Re: Detect new Hacks objects? - feartonyb - 13.06.2013

I never saw such a cheat. If I find it and download it I will probably update my anticheat system and post it here.