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[Map] Island base for TDM. - Printable Version

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Island base for TDM. - kjek98 - 08.06.2013

Hello guys i have made an island base for TDM servers.
It has over 250 objects and nearly 50 Vehicle.
I hope you like it.

Download ---------->

Re: Island base for TDM. - Kaperstone - 08.06.2013

Looks empty,would be nicer if you would put more objects and fill the jug.

Re: Island base for TDM. - kjek98 - 08.06.2013

i have added cars and stuff in.

Re: Island base for TDM. - XtremeR - 09.06.2013

Pretty cool work.

Re: Island base for TDM. - kjek98 - 09.06.2013
