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[Map] Gas Station[4] - Printable Version

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Gas Station[4] - Badarau - 08.06.2013

I mapped in few hours a Gas Station in back of DMV.Wasn't too easy,because the land was slighty sloping...
Anyway,i hope you like it,and will use it.If you do,please let a comment.



Please let a comment with your opinion,suggestions,rates.

Re: Gas Station[4] - Pottus - 08.06.2013

It's a decent layout but creativity wise is lacking (there is a lot of gas stations) 5/10

Re: Gas Station[4] - Badarau - 08.06.2013

Originally Posted by [uL]Pottus
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It's a decent layout but creativity wise is lacking (there is a lot of gas stations) 5/10
Yes,a lot of Gas Stations in Los Santos,like 4.

Re: Gas Station[4] - Badarau - 09.06.2013

I'm waiting for rates,comments.

Re: Gas Station[4] - AntonioCroatia - 10.06.2013

nice map, rep++ good for rp and trucking srv

Re: Gas Station[4] - Tuntun - 10.06.2013

Nice mapping skill dude.. keep doing!

Re: Gas Station[4] - Badarau - 10.06.2013
