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Using TogglePlayerSpectating and spawning the player ? - Printable Version

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Using TogglePlayerSpectating and spawning the player ? - -CaRRoT - 08.06.2013

Well , Basically - How my system go :

- Once you open the server - Register/login dialog pops up
- After putting your password - "< - > - SPAWN" appear.
- You click "spawn" - So the dialogs appear of registering [age / date of birth.. etc] OR you spawn if you're logging in.

- I tried using TogglePlayerSpectating(playerid, 1);

But - What it do is , After entering your pass in the dialogs - It just stops.. I can't click "SPAWN" as it doesn't exist anymore and I don't proceed to the dialogs/spawning

So my question is - How to proceed the player to the dialogs/spawning without remove TogglePlayerSpectating(playerid, 1); or forcing him to click "SPAWN".

Thanks in advance.

Re: Using TogglePlayerSpectating and spawning the player ? - random123 - 08.06.2013

try something like this

PHP Code:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
//show the dialogs for register/login
return 1;

If you want more dialogs to appear after registering, do something like this
PHP Code:
public OnDialogResponse(playerid,response,listitem,inputtext)
dialogid == REGISTER_DIALOG)
//register the players account with your system
        //Show them the age dialog
    else if(
dialogid == AGE_DIALOG)
//show them the gender dialog
    else if(
dialogid == GENDER_DIALOG)
//okay since the player has now registered set their and and gender lets stick them to their first spawn!
    else if(
dialogid == login)
//if the pasword matches and they log in

Sorry if this isn't what you were asking but I am pretty sure this will help you.

Re: Using TogglePlayerSpectating and spawning the player ? - Facerafter - 08.06.2013

This is what im using:
pawn Code:
            if (!response) return Kick(playerid);
// Register dialog
                if(!strlen(inputtext)) return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_REGISTER, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Registering...","{FFFFFF}You have entered an {ADFF2F} invalid password.\n{FFFFFF}Type your password below to register a new account.","Register","Quit");
// Player File, Creating etc.
// Gender Dialog
                ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_SEX, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "- Sex -","What gender are you?","Male","Female");
You can do the same thing with the Age dialog. And you can use SetSpawnInfo, TogglePlayerSpectating(playerid, 0) Turning off the spectating and SpawnPlayer(playerid)

Re: Using TogglePlayerSpectating and spawning the player ? - -CaRRoT - 08.06.2013

Thanks for your help - However , Found a better way to do it.

Re: Using TogglePlayerSpectating and spawning the player ? - Facerafter - 08.06.2013

Allright, No prob. Also im curious, what other way did you use?
BTW: I really liked your U-RP GM, Working on a V2?