My IRC bot's wont connect to IRC echo / Live / Lobby channel. Pls help -
I have been trying for days for my IRC bots to join IRC channel.. but nothing is working..
I am using .. Channel not relevant.
#include <irc>
#define BOT_1_NICKNAME "GlobalMafiaRP"
#define BOT_1_REALNAME "Anonymous" // This is the name that will only be visible in a whois
#define BOT_1_USERNAME "Anonymous" // This will be in front of the hostname (username@hostname)
#define BOT_2_NICKNAME "GlobalMafiaRP1"
#define BOT_3_NICKNAME "GlobalMafiaRP2"
#define IRC_SERVER ""
#define IRC_PORT 6667
#define IRC_CHANNEL "#Channel removed"
#define IRC_IDLE "#Channel removed"
#define IRC_LIVE "Channel Removed"
new TEST_MODE = 0;
forward echo_Init();
public echo_Init()
if(TEST_MODE == 0)
SetTimerEx("IRC_ConnectDelay", 500, 0, "d", 1); // Connect the first bot with a delay of 2 seconds
SetTimerEx("IRC_ConnectDelay", 750, 0, "d", 2); // Connect the second bot with a delay of 3 seconds
SetTimerEx("IRC_ConnectDelay", 1000, 0, "d", 3); // Connect the second bot with a delay of 4 seconds
gGroupID = IRC_CreateGroup(); // Create a group (the bots will be added to it upon connect)
forward echo_Exit();
public echo_Exit()
IRC_Quit(gBotID[0], "Global Mafia Roleplay"); // Disconnect the first bot
IRC_Quit(gBotID[1], "Global Mafia Roleplay"); // Disconnect the second bot
IRC_Quit(gBotID[2], "Global Mafia Roleplay"); // Disconnect the second bot
IRC_DestroyGroup(gGroupID); // Destroy the group
This function is called on a timer in order to delay connections to the IRC
server and effectively prevent join floods.
forward IRC_ConnectDelay(tempid);
public IRC_ConnectDelay(tempid)
switch (tempid)
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
return 1;
The IRC callbacks are below. Many of these are simply derived from parsed
raw messages received from the IRC server. They can be used to inform the
bot of new activity in any of the channels it has joined.
public IRC_OnConnect(botid)
printf("*** IRC_OnConnect: Bot ID %d connected!", botid);
SetTimerEx("IRC_JoinDelay", 1000, 0, "d", botid);
IRC_JoinChannel(botid, IRC_CHANNEL);
IRC_JoinChannel(botid, IRC_IDLE);
IRC_JoinChannel(botid, IRC_LIVE);
IRC_AddToGroup(gGroupID, botid); // Add the IRC bot to the group
return 1;
forward IRC_JoinDelay(botid);
public IRC_JoinDelay(botid)
IRC_JoinChannel(botid, IRC_CHANNEL);
IRC_JoinChannel(botid, IRC_IDLE);
IRC_JoinChannel(botid, IRC_LIVE);
Note that this callback is executed whenever a current connection is closed
OR whenever a connection attempt fails. Reconnecting too fast can flood the
IRC server and possibly result in a ban. It is recommended to set up
connection reattempts on a timer, as demonstrated here.
public IRC_OnDisconnect(botid)
printf("*** IRC_OnDisconnect: Bot ID %d disconnected!", botid);
if (botid == gBotID[0])
SetTimerEx("IRC_ConnectDelay", 1000, 0, "d", 1); // Wait 10 seconds for the first bot
else if (botid == gBotID[1])
SetTimerEx("IRC_ConnectDelay", 1500, 0, "d", 2); // Wait 15 seconds for the second bot
else if (botid == gBotID[2])
SetTimerEx("IRC_ConnectDelay", 1500, 0, "d", 3); // Wait 15 seconds for the third bot
printf("*** IRC_OnDisconnect: Bot ID %d attempting to reconnect...", botid);
IRC_RemoveFromGroup(gGroupID, botid); // Remove the IRC bot from the group
return 1;
public IRC_OnJoinChannel(botid, channel[])
printf("*** IRC_OnJoinChannel: Bot ID %d joined channel %s!", botid, channel);
return 1;
My custom functions
stock iEcho(text[], chan[] = IRC_CHANNEL) // PARAM: text || PARAM: delay
if(!TEST_MODE) IRC_GroupSay(gGroupID, chan, text);
return 1;
forward iEchoDelay(text[]);
public iEchoDelay(text[])
IRC_GroupSay(gGroupID, IRC_CHANNEL, text);
stock iEchoUse(text[])
tmp[ 128 ];
format(tmp, 128, "USAGE: %s", text);
IRC_GroupSay(gGroupID, IRC_CHANNEL, tmp);
return 1;
stock iNotice(target[], text[])
IRC_GroupNotice(gGroupID, target, text);
return 1;
stock iEchoVIP(text[])
IRC_GroupSay(gGroupID, IRC_CHAN_VIP, text);
#define IRC_CHAN_ADMIN "@#echo"
stock iEchoAdmin(text[])
IRC_GroupSay(gGroupID, IRC_CHAN_ADMIN, text);
#define IRC_CHAN_HIGH "&#echo"
stock iEchoHigh(text[])
IRC_GroupSay(gGroupID, IRC_CHAN_HIGH, text);
Everything in script is implanted correctly... and it is working.. just no bots are loading!!
p.s. i know everything in the script is wokring because it worked when i had hosted it at my home but soon as i uploaded it to my Host it hasn't been working!! :SSS
Re: My IRC bot's wont connect to IRC echo / Live / Lobby channel. Pls help -
It seems like a firewall issue to me. Your host is probably blocking all connections to the 6667 port (as that's the default IRC port and many hosts don't allow IRC connections). Contact your host to double check though.
If they're not blocking the port, you might want to contact the IRC network administrators to see if it's something on their end...!