how to make a mooving gate in a filterscript -
ViperKill - 07.06.2013
#include <a_samp>
#include <streamer>
new gate; // change gate into what you like
public OnFilterScriptInit()
4- Put your gate
gate = CreateObject(969, 1643.41736, -1719.34143, 14.67698, 0.00000, 0.00000, 89.94525);//gate closed
return 1;
5- gate closed cmd
if (!strcmp("/closegate", cmdtext)) // cmd to close the gate
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 969, 1643.41736, -1719.34143, 14.67698))
MoveDynamicObject(gate, 1643.41736, -1719.34143, 14.67698, 1(here youu put the speed of moving), 0.00000, 0.00000,89.94525);//gate closed pos
return 1;
5-gate opened cmd
if (!strcmp("/opengate", cmdtext)) // cmd to open the gate
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 969(object id), 1643.41736, -1719.34143, 14.67698))
MoveDynamicObject(gate, 1643.45569, -1711.34302, 14.67698, 1(speed), 0.00000, 0.00000, 89.94525);//gate opened pos
return 1;
return 0;
public OnFilterScriptExit()
return 1;
* also you can added text message like:
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xEF994300, "The gate has closed or opened.");
and a timer:
SetTimer("close", 7000, 0);//gate will be closed for 7 seconds
rep if i help you
Re: how to make a mooving gate in a filterscript -
[ABK]Antonio - 08.06.2013
You should explain more and use the [pawn ] tags (without the space of course).
Re: how to make a mooving gate in a filterscript -
mau_tito - 08.06.2013
Too bad lack explanation!
and not a tutorial.
Re : Re: how to make a mooving gate in a filterscript -
ViperKill - 08.06.2013
You should explain more and use the [pawn ] tags (without the space of course).
sorry this is my first tuto
ill try to explain more than this
message me if ou need help with mooving gates
Re: how to make a mooving gate in a filterscript -
Scenario - 08.06.2013
You haven't even explained ANYTHING on this so-called "tutorial." If I were you, I would check out ******'s tutorial on writing tutorials. I think a lot of people could benefit from reading this...
Re : how to make a mooving gate in a filterscript -
ViperKill - 08.06.2013
Too bad lack explanation!
and not a tutorial.
i do my best to explain and you need to try it to understand
Re : how to make a mooving gate in a filterscript -
ViperKill - 08.06.2013
thx for helping .like i say this is my first tuto
and i edit the tuto 4 times. hope everyone understand
Re: how to make a mooving gate in a filterscript -
DobbysGamertag - 08.06.2013
Good job if its your first. But you could go better in places. Such as ZCMD, its quicker, and looks better instead of a huge block of OnPlayerCommandText. You should explain the stuff such as CreateDynamicObject, compared to CreateObject, if i was a noob coming here, and i saw that i'd rage like hell not knowing what it is.
Re: how to make a mooving gate in a filterscript -
Marricio - 08.06.2013
This is not a tutorial, at all. I don't even think this would work as you create an object but /(open/close)gate uses a dynamic object function. Also, in /opengate you try to open the object "behindlspd" and in /closegate you try to close the object "name" after you named the object "gate".
Re : Re: how to make a mooving gate in a filterscript -
ViperKill - 08.06.2013
Also, in /opengate you try to open the object "behindlspd" and in /closegate you try to close the object "name" after you named the object "gate".
thx for reporting this bug. i already fix it
also this works and tested by me
(if you copied the gates pos codes this will not gonna work use your own gate pos codes)