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[Map] Boats Park[3] - Printable Version

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Boats Park[3] - Badarau - 06.06.2013

Today i mapped my third map,a little Boats Park near Los Santos Beach...i hope you like it,and use it :

I accept suggestions about a new location...
Please comment / rate.

Re: Boats Park[3] - hossa - 07.06.2013

Umm Strange Map ?
first time to see a place to park boats , but it's nice.

Re: Boats Park[3] - xxRichixx - 07.06.2013

Ye,I like this map.
It's creative,and different from others.Keep it up.
repped c:

Re: Boats Park[3] - Badarau - 07.06.2013

Thanks,i really appreciate.
I'm waiting for more comments/rates/ideas.

Re: Boats Park[3] - Sulps - 07.06.2013

Nice one :P

Re: Boats Park[3] - Badarau - 08.06.2013


Re: Boats Park[3] - Badarau - 09.06.2013

I'm waiting for rates,comments.