How does a loot system works? -
CrazyChoco - 05.06.2013
Hi guys,
Could someone explain how a simple loot system works. I actually doesn't know so much about it, so i thought i would ask here.
Could someone also put a little snippet of a very basic loot system, or atleast give some help, on how to do it?
Re: How does a loot system works? -
moadi - 05.06.2013
What do you mean a loot system? explain us
Re: How does a loot system works? -
CrazyChoco - 05.06.2013
Loot is mostly like treasure or wealth that is found or stolen, but in my case i want them to be placed in some special cordinates and when player run into them a dialog will be posted, but i actually don't know how to :/
Re: How does a loot system works? -
Abhishek. - 05.06.2013
you mean something like moneybag? Huh?
and just wondering were you a player of lvrcr ,godcat's brother?
Re: How does a loot system works? -
iJumbo - 05.06.2013
Just save tons of positions in a array..
make a random and find one of this tons of positions
create a pickup or whatever you want to create in this positions..
maybe set a timer for disappear
some variables for check if is here and if is taken
and the callback for player pickup with the reward
pawn Код:
Float:Positions[2][3] = {
new bool:IsPickupCreated,PickupID;
/commandforcreate {
if(IsPickupCreated == true) return .. the pickup is already created
new rando = random(sizeof(Positions));
PickupID = createsomepickup(someid,Positions[rando][0],Positions[rando][1],Positions[rando][2]);
IsPickupCreated = true;
public PickupDisappear()
IsPickupCreated = false;
public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid, pickupid)
if(pickupid == PickupID)
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 2342354);
IsPickupCreated = false;
//sendclientmessage for announce the winner
return 1;
Re: How does a loot system works? -
CrazyChoco - 05.06.2013
Originally Posted by Abhishek.
you mean something like moneybag? Huh?
and just wondering were you a player of lvrcr ,godcat's brother?
Yeah, i were a lvrcr player
, but not godcat's brother :P, I also remember you
Originally Posted by iJumbo
Just save tons of positions in a array..
make a random and find one of this tons of positions
create a pickup or whatever you want to create in this positions..
maybe set a timer for disappear
some variables for check if is here and if is taken
and the callback for player pickup with the reward
pawn Код:
Float:Positions[2][3] = { {0.0,0.0,0.1719}, {0.0,0.0,0.1719} }; new bool:IsPickupCreated,PickupID;
/commandforcreate { if(IsPickupCreated == true) return .. the pickup is already created new rando = random(sizeof(Positions)); PickupID = createsomepickup(someid,Positions[rando][0],Positions[rando][1],Positions[rando][2]); IsPickupCreated = true; SetTimer("PickupDisappear",10000,0); }
public PickupDisappear() { DestroyPickup(PickupID); IsPickupCreated = false; }
public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid, pickupid) { if(pickupid == PickupID) { GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 2342354); IsPickupCreated = false; //sendclientmessage for announce the winner } return 1; }
Thanks for the basic snippet, I am already trying to modify your code