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Making cars never respawn - Printable Version

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Making cars never respawn - lramos15 - 04.06.2013

I have create vehicle but I want it so when the vehicle blows up it doesnt respawn how can I do that?

Re: Making cars never respawn - [KHK]Khalid - 04.06.2013

pawn Код:
// create a per-vehicle global variable to tell whether you want a vehicle to be respawned or not
new NoRespawn[MAX_VEHICLES];
// now when creating a vehicle which you don't want it to be respawned
new id;
id = CreateVehicle(...);
NoRespawn[id] = 1; // setting it to 1 which means: Do not respawn!

public OnVehicleSpawn(vehicleid) // called when a vehicle spawns
    if(NoRespawn[vehicleid] == 1) // if the value of NoRespawn variable of 'vehicleid' is equal to 1
        DestroyVehicle(vehicleid); // destroy it
    return 1;

Re: Making cars never respawn - lramos15 - 05.06.2013

I have /spawncar [id] [color] [color] how would I make it so ever car doesnt respawn