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Dialog not responding - Printable Version

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Dialog not responding - ixesas - 04.06.2013

i have 2 filterscripts using the same plugin (sscanf) - admin system , property system. problem is , when i load both of the filterscripts, admin system dialogs respond, but property systems dialogs dont. i tried changing the property system returns to 0, but nothing changed

Re: Dialog not responding - SimpalK - 04.06.2013

Without codes, we cannot help you.

AW: Dialog not responding - Blackazur - 04.06.2013

Give us the code.

Re: Dialog not responding - ixesas - 04.06.2013

Property system dialogresponse:

pawn Код:
public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
    if(dialogid == 219)
        if(response == 1)
            if(GetPlayerBusinessID(playerid) == 1)return 0;
            new busid;
            if(GetPlayerBusinessID(playerid) > -1)return SendClientMessage(playerid,Red,"Jыs jau turite garaюа");
            if(dini_Int(file,"Cost") > GetPlayerMoney(playerid))return SendClientMessage(playerid,Red,"You do not have enough cash to buy this business.");
            GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -dini_Int(file,"Cost"));
            dini_Set(file, "Name", Name);
            dini_Set(file, "Owner",Name);
            dini_IntSet(file, "OwnedBus",1);
            dini_IntSet(file, "HasOwner",1);
            format(Label, sizeof(Label), "{ccccff}%s's business\n\n{999999}%s\n{00BC00}Cost: {999999}$%i\n{00BC00}ID: {999999}%i",Name,dini_Get(file, "Owner"),dini_Int(file, "Cost"),busid);
            format(String,sizeof(String),"You have successfully purchased the %s.",dini_Get(file, "Name"));
        if(response == 0)
            SendClientMessage(playerid,Yellow,"You chose not to buy this business");
        return 1;
    if(dialogid == 220)
        if(response == 1)
            format(Label, sizeof(Label), "{ccccff}For Sale\n\n{999999}No Owner\n{00BC00}Cost: {999999}$%i",dini_Get(file, "Name"),dini_Int(file, "Cost"));
            dini_Set(file, "Owner","No Owner");
            dini_IntSet(file, "Cost",dini_Int(file, "Cost"));
            dini_IntSet(file, "OwnedBus",0);
            dini_IntSet(file, "HasOwner",0);
            GivePlayerMoney(playerid,dini_Int(file, "Cost")/2);
            SendClientMessage(playerid,Green,"You have sold your business and recieved 50 percent of the price.");
        return 1;
    return 0;

Administration system dialogresponse:
pawn Код:
public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
            case GARAZAS_DIALOG :
                switch (listitem)
                    if(GetPlayerBusinessID(playerid) == 1)return 0;
                    new busid, file[128];
                    if(GetPlayerBusinessID(playerid) > -1)return SendClientMessage(playerid,Red,"Jыs jau turite garaюа");
                    if(dini_Int(file,"Cost") > GetPlayerMoney(playerid))return SendClientMessage(playerid,Red,"You do not have enough cash to buy this business.");
                    GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -dini_Int(file,"Cost"));
                    dini_Set(file, "Name", Name);
                    dini_Set(file, "Owner",Name);
                    dini_IntSet(file, "OwnedBus",1);
                    dini_IntSet(file, "HasOwner",1);
                    format(Label, sizeof(Label), "{ccccff}%s's business\n\n{999999}%s\n{00BC00}Cost: {999999}$%i\n{00BC00}ID: {999999}%i",Name,dini_Get(file, "Owner"),dini_Int(file, "Cost"),busid);
                    format(String,sizeof(String),"You have successfully purchased the %s.",dini_Get(file, "Name"));
                return 1;
            case PASLAUGOS_DIALOG :
                switch (listitem)
                    case 0 : ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, PASLAUGOS_DIALOG+1, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, ""orange"Taрkш keitimas б VIP", ""white"VIP paslauga kainuoja 100 юaidimo taрkш\nЮaidimo taрkus gaunate kas 10 minuиiш\n"red"Visi taрkai sekami, todлl praрome neapgaudinлti"white"\n\n---\n\nNorлdami iрsikeisti 100 ЮT б VIP:\n1. Spauskite mygtukа SUTINKU apaиioje\n2. "orange"(REKOMENDUOJAMA) "white"Perkrauti юaidimа\n3. Prisijungus patikrinkite komandas (/VKomandos)", "Sutinku", "Iрeiti");
                    case 1 : ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, PASLAUGOS_DIALOG+2, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, ""red"Taрkш keitimas б 1LVL Admin", ""white"Admin paslauga kainuoja 250 юaidimo taрkш\nЮaidimo taрkus gaunate kas 10 minuиiш\n"red"Visi taрkai sekami, todлl praрome neapgaudinлti"white"\n\n---\n\nNorлdami iрsikeisti 250 ЮT б Admin:\n1. Spauskite mygtukа SUTINKU apaиioje\n2. "orange"(REKOMENDUOJAMA) "white"Perkrauti юaidimа\n3. Prisijungus patikrinkite komandas (/AKomandos)", "Sutinku", "Iрeiti");
                    case 2 : ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, PASLAUGOS_DIALOG+3, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, ""green"Garaюai", ""orange"Apie garaюш sistemа:\n"white"Surinkus 300 юaidimo taрkш, jыs turлsite galimybж бsigyti vienа iр\n12-os serverio garaюш. Nusipirkж garaюа bыsite бtrauktas б garaюш\nsavininkш sаraрa, bei gausite papildomus ЮT uю savo garaюа.\nGaraюe galлsite tiuninguoti papildomas transporto dalis.\nSpauskite nusikelti, norлdami atsirasti garaюuose", "Nusikelti", "Iрeiti");
                return 1;
    return 0;

Re: Dialog not responding - arakuta - 04.06.2013

Just don't use the same ID's for dialogs.

Check the dialogs ID's then change them if you got duplicated.

Re: Dialog not responding - ixesas - 04.06.2013

Originally Posted by arakuta
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Just don't use the same ID's for dialogs.

Check the dialogs ID's then change them if you got duplicated.
Nope, id's dont duplicate. Already checked it.

Re: Dialog not responding - [Ro]DuReX - 04.06.2013

Add a system in your gamemode.

Re: Dialog not responding - ixesas - 04.06.2013

Originally Posted by [Ro]DuReX
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Add a system in your gamemode.
Getting lot of errors after including <dini>

Re: Dialog not responding - NvidiaForTheWin - 04.06.2013

switch from dini to y_ini. proven to be faster and use less computer resource. super easy even for a beginner that can at least read the code

what i did when i had trouble with dialog , i started a new FS and remade it taking care of id.
it also helped me understand better how dialog work.

now i'm using fdialog include , way easier for me.

Re: Dialog not responding - ixesas - 05.06.2013

Originally Posted by NvidiaForTheWin
Посмотреть сообщение
switch from dini to y_ini. proven to be faster and use less computer resource. super easy even for a beginner that can at least read the code

what i did when i had trouble with dialog , i started a new FS and remade it taking care of id.
it also helped me understand better how dialog work.

now i'm using fdialog include , way easier for me.
I trying to download it, but i dont understand this system responsing to dialog.