Removing map icons and pickups - Printable Version
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Removing map icons and pickups -
lramos15 - 04.06.2013
I was wondering how I could remove all the map icons, played blips, pickups, and NPCs and I was also wondering how do I make all the player names white except admins on duty
Re: Removing map icons and pickups -
Captive - 04.06.2013
PHP код:
PHP код:
if(IsPlayerAdmin(playerid))SetPlayerColor(playerid, COLOR);//Or check admin variable
else SetPlayerColor(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF);//Or the #define of color
Re: Removing map icons and pickups -
Kirollos - 04.06.2013
Originally Posted by Captive
PHP код:
if(IsPlayerAdmin(playerid))SetPlayerColor(playerid, COLOR);//Or check admin variable
impossible someone logs into rcon/logs into his accounts after he connects immediately. should be if it was with admin variable under OnPlayerSpawn, and if it was RCON so check can run under OnRconLoginAttempt
Re: Removing map icons and pickups -
lramos15 - 04.06.2013
I want so when I type my a duty command it changes to a color and when I type a duty off it changes back
Re: Removing map icons and pickups -
lramos15 - 04.06.2013
Also how would I remove the the pickups on the map and the default NPCS