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help , Server Shutting Down. - Printable Version

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help , Server Shutting Down. - morocco - 01.06.2013


after close server with cmd " killall samp03svr " account players delete and i get this message on log.txt

 Server Shutting Down.

Re: help , Server Shutting Down. - nmader - 01.06.2013

Well, morocco, "killall samp03svr", I presume, is shut down all SAMP resources immediately.

Re: help , Server Shutting Down. - Face9000 - 01.06.2013

Are you using a VPS? Then run this commands (via Putty after login)

kill `pgrep samp03svr`

Stop the server ^

nohup ./samp03svr &

Start the server ^

Be sure to do "cd samp03svr" first.