help - Printable Version
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help -
Xport6050 - 31.05.2013
hey why my gm is saying that no amx file is loading but i having my amxso how can i fix it
Re: help -
SimpalK - 31.05.2013
Dude, it means you have Not included Plugins or wrong Gamemode file.
Show us your Server.cfg
Re: help -
IceBilizard - 31.05.2013
Check the gamemode name in gamemodes folder and in server.cfg file
are same or not
Re: help -
BossZk - 31.05.2013
or even update your plugins, if what icebilizard said doesn't work
Re: help -
DeMoX - 31.05.2013
Check your gamemode, There's probably some includes that need plugins such as
Код: &&
So if you don't have them search for a download
then add this line to server.cfg
plugins streamer sscanf
Re: help -
Xport6050 - 31.05.2013
echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 0
rcon_password Im Best
maxplayers 55
port 7777
hostname |®°BT®°Б¤B|NУThInG LiKe ЖnҐThInG[Car Reset on 1/6/2013]
mapname BTR WorlD
gamemode0 SATDM_v14 1
plugins YSF streamer GeoIP_Plugin sscanf
announce 1
query 1
maxnpc 0
onfoot_rate 40
incar_rate 40
weapon_rate 40
stream_distance 300.0
stream_rate 1000
see this
Re: help -
DeMoX - 31.05.2013
Originally Posted by Xport6050
see this
It's still not working? :/ are you sure that the gamemode is compiling completely?
Re: help -
Xport6050 - 31.05.2013
yes im compiling completely
not working now also
Re: help -
DeMoX - 31.05.2013
Can you tell me , what's the exact message on the black window when you press samp-server.exe?
Re: help -
Konstantinos - 31.05.2013
Download and load Nativechecker or crashdetect. if you're missing any plugin, then it will print an error to the console.