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YSI Help - Michael_Cruise - 30.05.2013

Is there any function to check if the INT value in a player stats is equal to a value?

Re: YSI Help - Michael_Cruise - 30.05.2013

I meant if there is this code in player config file.
pNameBanned = 0
I want to check if the pNameBanned == 1.
I am trying to make an unban cmd and I don't know much YSI.

Re: YSI Help - Abhishek. - 30.05.2013

i think its possible....
but if ****** says its not then it wont but i would try it when i get on my pc,and i hope it would work

Re: YSI Help - Michael_Cruise - 30.05.2013

Yea I was talking about offline players :P .. Anyway thanks.