#include <a_samp> #include <YSI\y_hooks> #include <sscanf2> #include <DOF2> #define MAX_HQS 10 #define MAX_ORG_PORTOES 10 #define MAX_ORG_CARROS 20 #define MAX_ORG_MOTOS 10 #define MAX_ORG_HELIS 3 #define MAX_NOME_HQ 30 #define function%0(%1) forward %0(%1); public %0(%1) main() { } enum nhqinfo { OrgDona, FamiliaDona, HQNome[MAX_NOME_HQ], } new NikoHQInfo[MAX_HQS][nhqinfo]; public OnGameModeInit() { new hqId = 10; format(NikoHQInfo[hqId][HQNome], MAX_NOME_HQ, "Sem Nome"); printf("nome = %s", NikoHQInfo[hqId][HQNome]); NikoHQInfo[hqId][OrgDona] = 8; printf("nome = %s", NikoHQInfo[hqId][HQNome]); NikoHQInfo[hqId][FamiliaDona] = 0; printf("nome = %s", NikoHQInfo[hqId][HQNome]); NikoSalvarRegrasHQ(hqId); DOF2_Exit(); } function NikoSalvarRegrasHQ(hqId) { new arquivo[60]; format(arquivo,sizeof(arquivo),"/RPG/HQs/HQRegras%d.txt", hqId); if(!fexist(arquivo)) DOF2_CreateFile(arquivo); printf("nome = %s", NikoHQInfo[hqId][HQNome]); DOF2_SetString(arquivo,"NomeHQ",NikoHQInfo[hqId][HQNome]); DOF2_SetInt(arquivo,"OrgDona",NikoHQInfo[hqId][OrgDona]); return 1; }
enum nhqinfo { FamiliaDona, HQNome[MAX_NOME_HQ], OrgDona, }
enum nhqinfo { HQNome[MAX_NOME_HQ], OrgDona, FamiliaDona, }
enum nhqinfo { OrgDona, FamiliaDona, HQNome[MAX_NOME_HQ], }
Array index is out of bounds. If you have 10 headquarters then the available slots are 0 through 9.
By the way, I misread those defines. Thought it said potatoes and carrots. :') |