Is there anyway ? - Printable Version
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Is there anyway ? -
JackieChan1050 - 28.05.2013
I really love the manhunt mode that was in the 0.3c version .
But I have 0.3x .
Is there anyway to convert the manhunt gamemode to 0.3x version ?
or is there already is one somewhere ?
If someone could please help.. I know im a noob
Re: Is there anyway ? -
IceBilizard - 28.05.2013
just copy your gamemode file in 0.3x's server's gamemode folder and run
Re: Is there anyway ? -
Finn707 - 28.05.2013
Yeah, just add the gamemode .pwn into an 0.3x server's gamemode folder then compile the gamemode. Make sure you have all the gamemode's required plugins and includes in their latest versions as well.
Re: Is there anyway ? -
JackieChan1050 - 28.05.2013
Yeah But the game mode is a .txt file ... its just the pawn code ...
anyway I can make it a working gamemode ?
or can someone send me a link to a working manhunt gamemode please ?
Re: Is there anyway ? -
Finn707 - 28.05.2013
The gamemode shouldn't be in .txt, just copy the text into pawno and compile.
Re: Is there anyway ? -
JackieChan1050 - 28.05.2013
ok I made the txt file into amx and pwn .
But now the gamemode is a "blank script" and its not working ...
Re: Is there anyway ? -
Finn707 - 28.05.2013
I'm not really sure what you mean, make sure you've defined the correct gamemode in your server.cfg.
Re: Is there anyway ? -
JackieChan1050 - 28.05.2013
I meant i now have Manhunt.amx and Manhunt.pwn in the gamemodes folder.
I change the server.cfg. to gamemode0 Manhunt 1
and it runs a blank script ...
What should I do ?
Re: Is there anyway ? -
IceBilizard - 28.05.2013
did you download 0.3x server package?
If you download then copy gamemode .pwn and .amx files from 0.3e or what ever you got and paste in 0.3x server's gamemode's folder and add gamemode's name in your 0.3x's server.cfg file and run the server
Re: Is there anyway ? -
Scenario - 28.05.2013
Did you compile the game-mode, or did you just take the text from the .txt file and make it a .amx file?