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I need to use Teamviewer with a scripter for YSI 3.1 Update - Printable Version

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I need to use Teamviewer with a scripter for YSI 3.1 Update - Leighton - 28.05.2013

It might only take up 10 minutes of your time, I'm new to scripting and i brought this server form a user in Skype but he is no longer on Skype therefore I can't contact him, but i can't figure this error out. I updated to the latest sscanf.dll and streamer.dll and copied all the files from the YSI 3.1 into my server folder but i can't get the script to compile now because of The update to the newest YSI version has been successful but when I compile my script now I get this problem

"C:\Users\Leighton\Desktop\GTA\myserver\backup \paw no\include\YSI\ : fatal error 111: user error: "Old files are no longer compatible with YSI."

It's an error that says the file is to old when you try and compile your script. If i delete in pawno\include then the script will crash and say not responding, so i have to leave without deleting it and then if I remove #include <foreach> the script comes up with an error saying it can't read the file. I have even followed ****** 's installation steps correctly and even renamed #include <foreach> with: #include <YSI\y_iterate> which results in this = (fatal error 111: user error: "Old files are no longer compatible with YSI.") I have also updated with (the latest foreach) but i still have no success.

However i can compile a new.pwn file and run it, so all the updates work, I think it's just I can't compile my script I'm working on now because the script was worked on before I updated to the latest YSI so I might have to change things within the script to get it to work but i have no idea what to change and I need the latest YSI

Re: I need to use Teamviewer with a scripter for YSI 3.1 Update - linuxthefish - 28.05.2013

You might want to offer a cash reward for such work. However, posting the stuff you want fixing might be better than some random guy teamviewering to your computer...

Re: I need to use Teamviewer with a scripter for YSI 3.1 Update - Leighton - 28.05.2013

It's not worth paying as it is just one error. With someone randomly teamviewering my computer is no trouble as i can see what there doing and i still have admin control...

Re: I need to use Teamviewer with a scripter for YSI 3.1 Update - linuxthefish - 28.05.2013

Post your teamviewer ID and PASS, and I will "help you".

Re: I need to use Teamviewer with a scripter for YSI 3.1 Update - Leighton - 28.05.2013

User: 864 829 431
Pass: uzt148