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Evaluating Inputtext - Printable Version

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Evaluating Inputtext - TKZ227 - 27.05.2013

I always get confused when working with inputtext.

How would I check if the inputtext of a dialog is a valid name or ID?

Re: Evaluating Inputtext - Pupak - 27.05.2013

You can use sscanf for that. Example:

new player;

if(!sscanf(inputtext, "u", player))
    // Input text is valid player name / ID

Re: Evaluating Inputtext - TKZ227 - 28.05.2013

When I type nothing into the dialog, your code works. If I type in something like "fsfsfs" (which obviously is not a valid player name), it doesn't work.

I need it to check if the text entered into the input box is a valid name or ID.

Re: Evaluating Inputtext - Hoborific - 28.05.2013

OnDialogResponse handles a parameter "response" so if(Dialogid == whatever && response) will deal with empty strings being returned.

Re: Evaluating Inputtext - CmZxC - 28.05.2013

add before sscanf line
pawn Код:
  // what do you want to do now, when there is nothing written in it

Re: Evaluating Inputtext - CJay9209 - 28.05.2013

or save urself the time to use strlen and simply do:

pawn Код:
if(!response) {
    //do what u need to for a blank string here
    return 1;
//do what you want here if the string is not blank
return 1;
using strlen is a completely redundant and useless statement under ondialogresponse as it already takes it into account (and I'm pretty sure that was mentioned before...)

Re: Evaluating Inputtext - Pupak - 28.05.2013

Imagine this situation - player types nothing in the input box but still responses to the dialog. OnDialogResponse gets called, parameter response is positive and there is no input text.

public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
    if(response && strlen(inputtext))
        new player;

        if(!sscanf(inputtext, "u", player))
            // Input text is valid player name / ID
            // Input text is NOT valid player name / ID
Please note that I don't have San Andreas and haven't tested this, so using strlen could be redudant if response is negative when there is no input text.

Re: Evaluating Inputtext - Vince - 28.05.2013

That's not how sscanf works. Its return value is a value indicating if the amount of supplied parameters is correct. You need an additional check to see if the player is connected.
pawn Код:
if(!sscanf(inputtext, "u", player))
    if(player != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
        // code here

Re: Evaluating Inputtext - CJay9209 - 28.05.2013

yes but that don't check if the string is completely blank. I hit that problem earlier this week where you pass an empty string at ondialogresponse and it crashes your server...

as i said if response is 1 then its valid. if it's 0 then it's not - you DO NOT NEED TO USE STRLEN lol.

Also that scanf line only checks for valid player id or name - not if the string is blank. If you wanted to check a blank stirng then i'd actually just use isnull(inputtext) as it's a hell of alot faster.