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market - iPhone5 - 27.05.2013

So i created this marketplace script where you do /marketplace and shows vehicles that players want to sell. When i create vehicle in the db for me to sell it gives me but when i try to find it on the map it's not there and i put coords. When i try to spawn the ID it does not come to me it says it doesn't exist

Re: market - Pottus - 27.05.2013

Post your code.

Re: market - iPhone5 - 27.05.2013

stock AddPlayerVehicles()
	new Str[750], vTotal, vehID, vehModel, Float:vehX, Float:vehY, Float:vehZ, Float:vehA, vehC1, vehC2, vehOwnedBy[24], ForSale, DefaultPrice, Price, Locked;
	new carmod[17];
	mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `pvehicles`");
	vTotal = mysql_num_rows();
	new carid = 0;
	if(vTotal > 0)
	        sscanf(Str, "p<|>dds[24]ffffddddddddddddddddddddddd",
	        new carid2 = CreateVehicle(vehModel, vehX, vehY, vehZ, vehA, vehC1, vehC2, (30 * 60));
			PVInfo[carid][vpID] = vehID;
			PVInfo[carid][vpPosX] = vehX;
			PVInfo[carid][vpPosY] = vehY;
			PVInfo[carid][vpPosZ] = vehZ;
			PVInfo[carid][vpPosA] = vehA;
			PVInfo[carid][vpColor1] = vehC1;
			PVInfo[carid][vpColor2] = vehC2;
			PVInfo[carid][vpModel] = vehModel;
			PVInfo[carid][vpForSale] = ForSale;
			PVInfo[carid][vpDefaultPrice] = DefaultPrice;
			PVInfo[carid][vpPrice] = Price;
			PVInfo[carid][vpLocked] = Locked;
			PVInfo[carid2][mod1] = carmod[0];
			PVInfo[carid2][mod2] = carmod[1];
			PVInfo[carid2][mod3] = carmod[2];
			PVInfo[carid2][mod4] = carmod[3];
			PVInfo[carid2][mod5] = carmod[4];
			PVInfo[carid2][mod6] = carmod[5];
			PVInfo[carid2][mod7] = carmod[6];
			PVInfo[carid2][mod8] = carmod[7];
			PVInfo[carid2][mod9] = carmod[8];
			PVInfo[carid2][mod10] = carmod[9];
			PVInfo[carid2][mod11] = carmod[10];
			PVInfo[carid2][mod12] = carmod[11];
			PVInfo[carid2][mod13] = carmod[12];
			PVInfo[carid2][mod14] = carmod[13];
			PVInfo[carid2][mod15] = carmod[14];
			PVInfo[carid2][mod16] = carmod[15];
			PVInfo[carid2][mod17] = carmod[16];
			PVInfo[carid][vpVehicleSpawned] = carid2;
	        if(ForSale == 1)
				format(Str, sizeof(Str), "%s for sale!\nPrice: $%d (Seller: %s)\n/marketplace to purchase!", GetVehicleFriendlyName(carid2),Price, vehOwnedBy);
				PVInfo[carid][vpVehicleText] = Create3DTextLabel(Str, 0xFF8400FF, vehX, vehY, vehZ, 50.0, 0, 1);
	            format(Str, sizeof(Str), "%s\nOwner: %s", GetVehicleFriendlyName(carid2),vehOwnedBy);
	            PVInfo[carid][vpVehicleText] = Create3DTextLabel(Str, 0xFF8400FF, vehX, vehY, vehZ, 50.0, 0, 1);
	        Attach3DTextLabelToVehicle(PVInfo[carid][vpVehicleText], carid2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
	        new string[64];
			strmid(PVInfo[carid][vpOwnedBy], string, 0, strlen(string), 128);
			new engine,lights,alarm,doors,bonnet,boot,objective;
			if(Locked == 1) { SetVehicleParamsEx(carid2,engine,lights,alarm,1,bonnet,boot,objective); }
			else if(Locked == 0) { SetVehicleParamsEx(carid2,engine,lights,alarm,0,bonnet,boot,objective); }
public ShowMarketplace(playerid)
new query[250],results[500],title[64];
format(title,sizeof(title),"{1B8AE4}Vehicle Marketplace");
Num1[playerid] = 0;
Num2[playerid] = 10;
format(query,sizeof(query),"SELECT VehicleID,VehicleModel,VehiclePrice,OwnedBy FROM `pvehicles` WHERE `VehicleForSale`= 1 ORDER BY `VehiclePrice` DESC LIMIT %d, %d", Num1[playerid],Num2[playerid]);
new tRows = mysql_num_rows();
if(tRows == 0) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ERROR, "No vehicles are currently for sale!"); return 1; }
new vID, vModel, vOwnedBy[24], vPrice;
sscanf(query, "p<|>ddds[24]", vID, vModel, vPrice, vOwnedBy);
format(results,sizeof(results),"%s%d | %s($%d) | Seller: %s\n", results,vID,VehicleFriendlyNames[vModel-400],vPrice,vOwnedBy);
if(tRows >= 10) { format(results,sizeof(results), "%sNext Page", results); }
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, marketplace1, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,title,results,"Select", "Close");
return 1;