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MySQL Dynamic system problem [Loading] - Printable Version

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MySQL Dynamic system problem [Loading] - zT KiNgKoNg - 24.05.2013

Hey guys, When i load up my server on my local computer i'm trying to load all the textlables by id from the database
it prints that it loaded ID: 1 and 2 but when i go into the game the texttable hasn't been created, The code i've made is below if anyone can help me solve this it would be great.

pawn Код:
stock LoadDynamicTextLables()
    format(Query, sizeof(Query), "SELECT * FROM `DynamicATMS`");
    new AtmID,TextRow1[100],TextRow2[100], Float:A_X, Float:A_Y, Float:A_Z,string[300];
    new Count = 0,Fetched[150];
        sscanf(Fetched, "p<|>ds[100]s[100]fff", AtmID, TextRow1, TextRow2, A_X, A_Y, A_Z);
        format(string,sizeof(string),"T1: %s\nT2: %d", TextRow1,TextRow2);
        Create3DTextLabel(string, 0xFFFFFF, A_X, A_Y, A_Z, 20.0, 0, 0);
        Count ++;
        printf("Dynamic Lable Created [ID: %d]", Count);
    return 1;

Re: MySQL Dynamic system problem [Loading] - Joe Staff - 24.05.2013

I believe it's because you're not actually writing anything to the variable 'Fetched', but instead you're writing to 'Query' with the function 'mysql_fecth_row_format'.

pawn Код: