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Banning Spammers - Printable Version

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Banning Spammers - Geeboi_Mehdi - 23.05.2013

can some one help me make a anti cheat that detects if the player says some thing more than 7 times he gets banned i already got a anti here is one of them
pawn Код:
new wep = GetPlayerWeapon(playerid);
                    BanUser(playerid, "Weapon hacks", "Johnny");
some thing like this but instead of banning for weapons it bans for people who flood/spam thanks

Re: Banning Spammers - DobbysGamertag - 24.05.2013

Let me search my script for the one i've got I'll modify it for you so it bans(hopefully)


pawn Код:
#define TIME_BETWEEN_MESSAGES 3 //thats 3 seconds between each message.
#define MAX_SPAM_WARNS 3 //thats 3 spam warnings too
new LastSpoke[MAX_PLAYERS],SpamWarns[MAX_PLAYERS];

public OnPlayerText(playerid,inputtext[])
    if(LastSpoke[playerid] > gettime())
        new string[128];
        SpamWarns[playerid] ++;
        if(SpamWarns[playerid] >= MAX_SPAM_WARNS)
            format(string,sizeof(string),"%s has been banned for spamming",PlayerName);
            SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"You can't talk for "#TIME_BETWEEN_MESSAGES" seconds.");
            SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"Do not repeat yourself.");
        return 0;
    LastSpoke[playerid] = gettime() + TIME_BETWEEN_MESSAGES;
    return 1;
Let me know if it's ok for what you need

Re: Banning Spammers - Geeboi_Mehdi - 24.05.2013

Hey can you add it for me? i am getting a lot of errors here is the hole anti thing
pawn Код:
public AntiCheat()
    for(new playerid; playerid<MAX_PLAYERS; playerid++)
            if(PlayerLogged[playerid] == 1 && PlayerSpawned[playerid] == 1 && PInfo[playerid][AdminLevel] == 6)
                new wep = GetPlayerWeapon(playerid);
                   BanUser(playerid, "Weapon hacks", "Johnny");
                new Float:Armour;
                GetPlayerArmour(playerid, Armour);
                if(Armour > 0)
                    BanUser(playerid, "Armour hacks", "Johnny");
                if(GetPlayerSpecialAction(playerid) == SPECIAL_ACTION_USEJETPACK)
                    if(PInfo[playerid][AdminLevel] >= 0)
                    BanUser(playerid, "Jetpack hacks", "Johnny");
                    new vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
                    if(vfuel[vehicleid] > 0)
                        new speed = floatround(GetVehicleSpeed(vehicleid, 0), floatround_round);
                        if(speed > 239 && PInfo[playerid][TotalScore] < 10) //240 mph && under 10 score
                            BanUser(playerid, "Speed hack", "Johnny");
                        else if(speed > 205) //210 mph
                            new string[156];
                            format(string,sizeof(string),"[SPEED WARNING] %s(%d) is going %d MPH! /spec them!", PlayerName(playerid), playerid, speed);
                            SendAdminMessage(COLOR_ADMIN, string);