[FilterScript] [BG/EN] FastRestart - Printable Version
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[BG/EN] FastRestart -
sok40 - 22.05.2013
With this script, if you are entered RCON password, you can restart server in game. Yes .. I know you'll tell me that there is already such a RCON command, but there may be people who do not know, and I decided to do a script. BTW: sryy for my bad english
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/restart - to restart server
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If you already have such CMD, you can change it.. it's SO easy.. In the script, I described how to change it
The command restart only Gamemod! Not Filterscripts!
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me - idea, script and uploading
SA-MP - to do samp
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EN Version
BG Version
Re: [BG/EN] FastRestart -
Zues - 22.05.2013
This is VERY simple and why would you use this if theres already a command to do that without adding any script? I mean whats the different between this and /rcon gmx?
Re: [BG/EN] FastRestart -
bgtoo - 22.05.2013
WestSize ти ли си ?
Re: [BG/EN] FastRestart -
DerViL - 22.05.2013
Useless :/
Re: [BG/EN] FastRestart -
OpticKiller - 22.05.2013
i hate FS whats just so pointless fuck sake!
Re: [BG/EN] FastRestart -
DobbysGamertag - 22.05.2013
Leave him alone, he tried didn't he? maybe he's new and he's proud of the new script hes made.
Re: [BG/EN] FastRestart -
Anak - 23.05.2013
Hope to get more from you
nice start..