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[FilterScript] t_Zone | Create Ingame Gangzones - Printable Version

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t_Zone | Create Ingame Gangzones - Taktloss - 20.05.2013


*Sorry my english is not the best *
This Script is a help script for "CreateGangZone"

Ok To start the script write "/tzone" now you create the Zone.
To start press "Enter" walk diagonally to the other Side and Press Enter no its saved in Scriptfiles /t_Zone/Name.txt.

Zone System = 
new Example = GangZoneCreate(308.883117,-1785.892578,360.417205,-1817.169677);
GangZoneShowForAll(Example, COLOR);

You must Create a folder in Scriptfiles "t_Zone"

Thanks to ****** for y_ini
And thanks to Zeex for zcmd

Re: t_Zone | Create Ingame Gangzones - DerViL - 20.05.2013

Gonna use it. Thanks.

Re: t_Zone | Create Ingame Gangzones - Syfox - 20.05.2013

Gonna use it a too.

Re: t_Zone | Create Ingame Gangzones - ajam123 - 21.05.2013

Woah Turfs, Nice

Re: t_Zone | Create Ingame Gangzones - Snapptime - 21.05.2013

Great and nice work

Re: t_Zone | Create Ingame Gangzones - bond1999 - 21.05.2013


Re: t_Zone | Create Ingame Gangzones - xF4Life - 22.05.2013

Nice and Thanks

Re: t_Zone | Create Ingame Gangzones - raider19rus - 22.05.2013

Thanks, author!

Re: t_Zone | Create Ingame Gangzones - Mark_Samp - 22.05.2013

Good work

Re: t_Zone | Create Ingame Gangzones - Taktloss - 23.05.2013

Thanks for the nice feed back

Re: t_Zone | Create Ingame Gangzones - Toxik - 06.08.2014

cool just need it :P