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GivePlayerMoney - Question - Printable Version

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GivePlayerMoney - Question - NL-Sultan - 16.05.2013

Hello everyone,

I've made a small trash-cleaner job, the purpose of the job is that you're cleaning trash by going through checkpoints. When you reach the final checkpoint you should have +$50.
But the thing is, when you reach the final checkpoint in reality, you get +$50 and one second later the $50 will go off again.

The code I've used for the final checkpoint:

pawn Код:
if(trashjob[playerid] == 23)
        trashjob[playerid] = 0;
        GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 50);
        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "You're done with your mission. You have earned $50!");
    return 1;
Does anyone know how I could fix this?

Re: GivePlayerMoney - Question - Rillo - 16.05.2013

Do you have any anti-money hack?

Re: GivePlayerMoney - Question - DaRk_RaiN - 16.05.2013

Does your server have a sided money system? if so then no wonder.
Usually it's SafeGivePlayerMoney or w/e, search in the previous checkpoints for the function that gave the player money and re-use it in the above code.

Re : GivePlayerMoney - Question - MCZOFT - 16.05.2013

Go to your Gamemod
and search for this lines

PHP код:
        if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) != PlayerInfo[playerid][pMoney])
and delete the ResetPlayerMoney(playerid);

make it like that
PHP код:
        if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) != PlayerInfo[playerid][pMoney])
if you dident find thoes lines ?
then just search on your server for ResetPlayerMoney(playerid);

and delete it

and it will solove ,

Re: GivePlayerMoney - Question - NL-Sultan - 16.05.2013

It is server side, anyone knows how to give it on a alternative way?
- Temporarily added the server side money in a commentary, so it works.

FIXED:It's GivePlayerCash instead of GivePlayerMoney. Thanks for answers though!