Pickup doesn't create - Printable Version
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Pickup doesn't create -
JaKe Elite - 16.05.2013
pawn Код:
enum Horses
new hcord[][Horses] =
horse[0] = CreatePickup(954, 1, 2011.8767,1544.7483,9.4787, 0);
for(new x = 0; x < sizeof(hcord); x++)
horse[hcord[x][order]] = CreatePickup(954, 1, hcord[x][hx], hcord[x][hy], hcord[x][hy], 0);
But it doesn't create the pickup.
The pickup 0 is exceptional because as you can see i code that manually.
Re: Pickup doesn't create - Emmet_ - 16.05.2013
Here's your problem:
pawn Код:
for(new x = 0; x < sizeof(hcord); x++)
horse[hcord[x][order]] = CreatePickup(954, 1, hcord[x][hx], hcord[x][hy], hcord[x][hy], 0);
That code works, except that you are creating the pickup at:
X: hcord[x][hx]
Y: hcord[x][hy]
Z: hcord[x][
hy] - Should be hz
Try this:
pawn Код:
for(new x = 0; x < sizeof(hcord); x++)
horse[hcord[x][order]] = CreatePickup(954, 1, hcord[x][hx], hcord[x][hy], hcord[x][hz], 0);
Re: Pickup doesn't create -
RajatPawar - 16.05.2013
CTRL + C and CTRL + V can be dangerous!