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Nitro system ( not made by me, just downloaded) - Printable Version

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Nitro system ( not made by me, just downloaded) - Ryox175 - 12.05.2013

So guys, its me Ryox175, now in samp as : N]i[S.Ghost.eP.PD

I got this warning : Server\filterscripts\nitro.pwn(75) : warning 217: loose indentation

Line (75) >
pawn Код:
for(new f = 0; f < sizeof(NoNitro); f++) if(GetVehicleModel(vid) == NoNitro[f]) return false;
help me...

Re: Nitro system ( not made by me, just downloaded) - Avi Raj - 12.05.2013

Add this line on Top :
pawn Код:
#pragma tabsize 0

AW: Nitro system ( not made by me, just downloaded) - ulbi1990 - 12.05.2013

#pragma tabsize 0 isn't good when you script, you will loose fast the overview in the script. Just script allways this way:

pawn Код:
for loop
and you will be happy when anything went wrong, because with tabsize 0 and a hugh code will it be hard to find errors/typos etc

Re: Nitro system ( not made by me, just downloaded) - Ryox175 - 12.05.2013

Thanks Avi Raj, want rep?, dont ask it, you just get it now.

Ulbi, i wanted do get rid of the warning, i got just help.

lock teh topic