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3D texts are not visible - Printable Version

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3D texts are not visible - Libra_PL - 12.05.2013


I'm writting a problem I'm experiencing right now. I added a command that shows IDs of all object IDs and their model IDs using 3D texts. I have no idea why, but in-game they don't show. Let me show the code.

#define MaxObjects 500

new Object[MaxObjects];
new ObjectModelID[MaxObjects];
new Text3D:Label[MaxObjects];

<some other stuff>

    #pragma unused params
    for(new i = 0; i < MaxObjects; i++)
        new string[64], Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z;
	        format(string,sizeof(string),"%d {FFFF00}|{3333FF} %d",i,ObjectModelID[i]);
	        Label[i] = Create3DTextLabel(string,0x3333FFFF,X,Y,Z,40.0,0,0);
    SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFFFF00FF,"Object IDs are now visible");
	return 1;
As you see, I added a 'print' thing to test how does it work. It works perfectly, but I don't know why 3D texts not (everything work except this). And another thing that looks strange. If I delete Delete3DTextLabel line, when I use this command, IDs are visible... Only for 0.5 second (or even less), even when I'm not moving. Why do they disappear? Even if I don't use any other commands or timers for labels?

I hope someone will find a solution of that problem.

Re : 3D texts are not visible - yusei - 12.05.2013

if you use a streamer plugin : CreateDynamic3DTextLabel , DeleteDynamic3DTextLabel

else Try to use
