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Create TextLabel problem... - Printable Version

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Create TextLabel problem... - jimis - 11.05.2013

Hi guys, i have write the following for be showing into the crew bar ,but its not working ,(i have check the coordinates ,its correct), What going on here??

PHP код:
Create3DTextLabel("/robCrew",COLOR_WHITE,498.0128,-77.7659,998.7651 35.0,0,0); 

Re: Create TextLabel problem... - dominik523 - 11.05.2013

maybe your bar is in some interior id, and you are creating 3D text label in int id 0

Re: Create TextLabel problem... - jimis - 11.05.2013

yes it is into an interior, What i have to write for that? Could you give me an example?

Re: Create TextLabel problem... - dominik523 - 11.05.2013

take the same interior model and put it in the world, I mean in interior id 0, and set Z to some high number. Example from my script:
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,2.0,242.587,66.349,1003.641)) //SFPD Armory
            SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);
			TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 0);
			SetTimerEx("EnterExitTimer", 500, false, "i", playerid);
My armory is mapped, and its in int id 0 so you dont need to set player interior, just set his position

Re: Create TextLabel problem... - jimis - 11.05.2013

ok thanks, but can i make a text label into an interior?

Re: Create TextLabel problem... - dominik523 - 11.05.2013

This is from samp wiki:
Creates a 3D Text Label at a specific location in the world
so I dont think so

Re: Create TextLabel problem... - jimis - 11.05.2013


Re: Create TextLabel problem... - jimis - 11.05.2013

May you know kind of text can i use into interiors?

Re: Create TextLabel problem... - dominik523 - 11.05.2013

you can put pickups, and create when you enter pickup, textdraw will show for player

Re: Create TextLabel problem... - Chenko - 11.05.2013

If you use Incognito's Streamer plugin then you can create 3D text labels that are in an interior.

Link to streamer