Help with Player... - Printable Version
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Help with Player... -
JimmyNeonHD - 10.05.2013
Hello, i need to know how can i like mhm
See this script
pawn Код:
format(string, sizeof(string), "\nStats of the player: "grey"%s\n\n"white"Kills:\t\t%d\nDeaths:\t\t%d\nK/D:\t\t%0.2f\nScore:\t\t%d\nMoney:\t\t$%d\nPlay time:\t\t%d\nRegister date:\t%s\nPlayer Ping:\t%d\nPlayer Skin:\t%d",GetName(player1), PlayerInfo[player1][Kills], PlayerInfo[player1][Deaths],Float:PlayerInfo[player1][Kills]/Float:pDeaths,GetPlayerScore(player1),GetPlayerMoney(player1),PlayerInfo[player1],h,PlayerInfo[player1][RegDate],GetPlayerPing(player1),GetPlayerSkin(player1));
Like i wanna to type like Player Score's
pawn Код:
format(string, sizeof(string), "\nStats of the player: "grey"%s\n\n // Here >> Player Score's\n "white"Kills:\t\t%d\nDeaths:\t\t%d\nK/D:\t\t%0.2f\nScore:\t\t%d\nMoney:\t\t$%d\nPlay time:\t\t%d\nRegister date:\t%s\nPlayer Ping:\t%d\nPlayer Skin:\t%d",GetName(player1), PlayerInfo[player1][Kills], PlayerInfo[player1][Deaths],Float:PlayerInfo[player1][Kills]/Float:pDeaths,GetPlayerScore(player1),GetPlayerMoney(player1),PlayerInfo[player1],h,PlayerInfo[player1][RegDate],GetPlayerPing(player1),GetPlayerSkin(player1));
Over there but when i do this The Kills go on deaths and deaths go to K/D lol
How can i do this?
Re: Help with Player... -
Da_Noob - 10.05.2013
I don't even know what you're asking and you should intent your code because right now it's impossible to read.
Re: Help with Player... -
Private200 - 10.05.2013
Change what you wrote into [pawn] instead,
Re: Help with Player... -
JimmyNeonHD - 10.05.2013
Aha ok done