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Is it bad to have sscanf warning: No default value found? - Printable Version

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Is it bad to have sscanf warning: No default value found? - Nostrum - 10.05.2013

Hello, i was wondering is it really bad to have "sscanf warning: No default value found"
I mean, can i ignore the warning and just carry on with everything else. How will the warning impact performance and so on?

Re: Is it bad to have sscanf warning: No default value found? - Basssiiie - 10.05.2013

I don't think it's deadly, but is it really that hard to give your optional parameters a default value?

Re: Is it bad to have sscanf warning: No default value found? - Kwarde - 10.05.2013

It is not really bad but it is annoying. As far as I know it's not that bad but I'm not sure about this!
To fix it:

For example, if you have sscanf(params, "dD", val1, val2)), you don't have the default value! To add a default value:
sscanf(params, "dD(1)", val1, val2)). Now this 'val2' will have default value 1!